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RP 2023 : The 17th International Conference on Reachability Problems


Conference Series : Reachability Problems
When Oct 11, 2023 - Oct 13, 2023
Where Nice, France
Submission Deadline Jul 4, 2023
Notification Due Aug 13, 2023
Final Version Due Aug 20, 2023
Categories    theoretical computer science   logic   algorithms   verification

Call For Papers

RP 2023: Call For Papers

11-13 October 2023 Nice, France

The 17th International Conference on Reachability Problems (RP'23)
will be organised by the laboratory I3S (Université Côte d'Azur, CNRS) and LIX (Ecole Polytechnique, CNRS).

In 2020 and 2021 the conference was virtual due to COVID restrictions.
As in 2022, this year RP will be organised as a physical meeting in Nice,
offering a possibility to authors with travel restrictions to give online presentations.

Papers presenting original contributions related to reachability
problems in different computational models and systems are being
sought. This will also be the occasion to review recent breakthroughs
by renowned invited experts and survey emerging trends and emphasise
on key open challenges. Participants are kindly encouraged to discuss
core scientific issues that need to be further tackled.

The conference proceedings will be published in Springer's Lecture
Notes in Computer Science (LNCS). A selection of articles among the
contributed papers will be invited to a special issue of a journal


The conference is specifically aimed at gathering together scholars
from diverse disciplines and backgrounds interested in reachability
problems that appear in

* Algebraic structures
* Automata theory and formal languages
* Computational game theory
* Concurrency and distributed computation
* Decision procedures in computational models
* Graphs and dynamical networks
* Hybrid dynamical systems
* Logic and model checking
* Verification of finite and infinite-state systems

Topics of interest include (but are not limited to):
* - reachability problems in infinite-state systems,
* - rewriting systems, dynamical and hybrid systems;
* - reachability problems in computational games and distributed
* - reachability problems in dynamical networks,
* - reachability problems in logic and verification;
* - reachability problems in formal methods;
* - reachability analysis in different computational models,
counter timed/ cellular/ communicating automata;
* - Petri nets; computational and combinatorial aspects of algebraic
structures (semigroups, groups and rings);
* - frontiers between decidable and undecidable reachability problems;
* - predictability in iterative maps and new computational paradigms.



* - Nathalie Aubrun (CNRS, Paris-Saclay, France)
* - Jarkko Kari (University of Turku, Finland)
* - Bruno Martin (University of Nice, France)
* - Shinnosuke Seki (University of Electro-Communications, Japan)

!! GUIDELINES FOR SUBMISSION. There are two categories of submissions:


Authors are asked to submit their papers through EasyChair:


In addition to the formal presentations based on our LNCS proceedings
volume, we invite researchers to submit a paper which recently
appeared (or which is going to appear) in proceedings of another
conference, or which has not yet been submitted. Neither the paper nor
the abstract will be published in the proceedings.


* Abstract of full papers: 4 July 2023 (EXTENDED)
* Full papers: 4 July 2023 (EXTENDED)
* Notification: 13 August 2023
* Final Version: 20 August 2023

* Presentation-only papers
** Abstracts: 23 August 2023
** Notification: 25 August 2023

!!! RP Conference: October 11-13, 2023

!! Conference chairs:

* - Olivier Bournez (IP Paris, Ecole Polytechnique, FR)
* - Enrico Formenti (Univ. Côté d'Azur, FR)
* - Igor Potapov, University of Liverpool - Publication chair


* - Parosh Aziz Abdulla (Uppsala University, Sweden)
* - Udi Boker (Reichman University, Herzliya, IL)
* - Christel Baier (TU Dresden, DE)
* - Veronica Becher (Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina)
* - Benedikt Bollig (CNRS, LMF, ENS Paris-Saclay, FR)
* - Olivier Bournez (Lix, FR)
* - Emilie Charlier (Université de Liège BE)
* - Stéphane Demri (CNRS, LMF, ENS Paris-Saclay, FR)
* - Javier Esparza (Technische Universität München, GE)
* - Enrico Formenti (Univ. Côte d'Azur, FR)
* - Gilles Geeraerts (U. Libre de Bruxelles, BE)
* - Roberto Giacobazzi (U. Verona, IT)
* - Daniel D. Graça (Univ. Algarve, PT)
* - Christoph Haase (University of Oxford, UK)
* - Peter Habermehl (IRIF, Université Paris Cité, FR)
* - Vesa Halava (U. Turku, FI)
* - Mika Hirvensalo (U. Turku, FI)
* - Akitoshi Kawamura (Kyoto U., JP)
* - Dietrich Kuske (TU Ilmenau, DE)
* - Martin Kutrib (U. Giessen, DE)
* - Jérôme Leroux (CNRS, LaBRI, Université de Bordeaux, FR)
* - Igor Potapov (University of Liverpool, UK)
* - Tali (Nathalie) Sznajder (University Paris-Sorbonne, FR)


* - Parosh Aziz Abdulla (SE)
* - Olivier Bournez (FR)
* - Vesa Halava (FI)
* - Alain Finkel (FR)
* - Oscar Ibarra (USA)
* - Juhani Karhumaki (FI)
* - Jérôme Leroux (FR)
* - Joël Ouaknine (DE)
* - Igor Potapov (UK)
* - James Worrell (UK)

!! Previous Events:

* 2022: RP'22 in Kaiserlautern, DE
-) LNCS proceedings volume 13608/2022, Springer Verlag
* 2021: RP'21 in Liverpool, UK
-) LNCS proceedings volume 13035/2021, Springer Verlag
* 2020: RP'20 in Paris, France
-) LNCS proceedings volume 12448/2020, Springer Verlag
* 2019: RP'19 in Brussels, Belgium
-) LNCS proceedings volume 11674/2019, Springer Verlag
* 2018: RP'18 in Marseille, France,
-) LNCS proceedings volume 11123/2018, Springer Verlag
* 2017: RP'17 in London, UK,
-) LNCS proceedings volume 10506/2017, Springer Verlag
* 2016: RP'16 in Aalborg, Denmark,
-) LNCS proceedings volume 9328/2016, Springer Verlag
* 2015: RP'15 in Warsaw, Poland
-) LNCS proceedings, Volume 9328/2015, Springer Verlag
* 2014: RP'14 in Oxford, UK
-) LNCS proceedings, Volume 8762/2014, Springer Verlag
* 2013: RP’13 in Uppsala, Sweden
-) LNCS proceedings, Volume 8169/2013, Springer Verlag
* 2012: RP’12 in Bordeaux, France
-) LNCS proceedings, Volume 7550/2012, Springer Verlag
* 2011: RP'11 in Genova, Italy
-) LNCS proceedings, Volume 6945/2011, Springer Verlag
* 2010: RP'10 in Brno, Czech Republic
-) LNCS proceedings, Volume 6227/2010, Springer Verlag
* 2009: RP'09 in Palaiseau, France
-) LNCS proceedings, Volume 5797/2009, Springer Verlag
* 2008: RP'08 in Liverpool, UK
-) ENTCS proceedings, Volume 223, Elsevier
* 2007: RP'07 in Turku, Finland
-) TUCS General Publication Series, Volume 45, TUCS,
-) Turku Centre for Computer Science

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