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EMCEI 2023 2023 : 5th Euro-Mediterranean Conference for Environmental Integration 2023


When Oct 2, 2023 - Oct 5, 2023
Where Rende (Cosenza), Italy
Abstract Registration Due Jun 20, 2023
Submission Deadline May 31, 2023
Notification Due Jun 10, 2023
Final Version Due Jun 15, 2023
Categories    geoscience   earth-science   environment

Call For Papers

The editorial office of the Euro-Mediterranean Journal for Environmental Integration (EMJEI) at the University of Sfax (Tunisia) organizes the 5th EMCEI at the Congress Center of the University of Calabria (UNICAL campus) in Rende (Cosenza, southern Italy) in collaboration with UNICAL and other universities in the Euro-Mediterranean region and with Springer Nature as a publishing partner.

The proceedings will be published in the Springer/IEREK ASTI Book Series (indexed in Scopus and SCImago), and extended papers will be published in Special Issues of EMJEI and other journals (indexed in Scopus and Web of Science).

Visit our website ( to learn more about the event.

On this occasion, we are pleased to invite you to take part in the conference (in-person or virtually) and share/discuss your latest research findings.

**EMCEI -23 Keypoints:**

**The EMCEI is the largest conference covering all themes of environmental sciences
and engineering in the Mediterranean region (400 attendees on average from over
50 countries).
**The conference aims to gather new research contributions from all disciplines of
environmental earth sciences by scientists from diverse backgrounds and thus
makes an essential contribution towards ensuring that science and knowledge
contribute to the promotion of a more sustainable environment for the
Euro-Mediterranean and surrounding regions.
**The main objectives of the conference are to support research and innovation, to
promote the exchange of scientific knowledge, and to foster collaboration among
Euro-Mediterranean communities.
**The EMCEI-23 will take place on 2–5 October 2023 in Rende (Cosenza), Italy.
**It will go ahead in person, but there will be a possibility to present online.
**It will feature talks and panels on new indicators and directions in research,
development, and innovations in the multidisciplinary fields of the environmental
**Abstract submissions (max. 350 words) will be accepted until 31 May 2023. Please
read the Guidelines.
**The EMCEI-23 encourages submissions of research works not only from the
Euro-Mediterranean realm but from all regions of the world.
**Contact us, if you need more information:
**Your participation in-person or virtually will support EMCEI’s mission of ensuring a
sustainable environment for societies in the region… Join us for a memorable

We invite you to come to Rende (Cosenza) and contribute to and participate in an
exciting conference in a stimulating environment!

Related Resources

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