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DSAA 2023 2023 : Call for contest - 10th IEEE International Conference on Data Science & Analytics (DSAA) Thessaloniki/Greece, 9-13 Oct 2023 | |||||||||||||
Link: https://conferences.sigappfr.org/dsaa2023/data-science-competition/ | |||||||||||||
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Call For Papers | |||||||||||||
10th IEEE International Conference on
Data Science & Analytics (DSAA) Thessaloniki/Greece, 9-13 Oct 2023 Data Science Competition “Efficient and Effective Link Prediction” https://conferences.sigappfr.org/dsaa2023/data-science-competition/ Description DSAA-2023 conference includes a data science competition, aiming at proposing effective and efficient solutions for the link prediction task. More specifically, given an input graph G, some of the edges of G have been removed and the resulting graph is termed G’. Given some pairs of nodes from G’, we need to decide if there is an edge between the node pairs in the original graph G. The dataset used in the contest is extracted from Wikipedia, where graph nodes are annotated with text. Process The competition will be hosted by Kaggle and the link to the contest will be provided, together with more details about the datasets and the evaluation procedure on the start date of the competition (April 14). By the competition deadline (June 30), teams are requested to provide the source code of their solutions as well as a short report (max 4 pages, IEEE 2-column style) describing their solution, algorithmic techniques used (unsupervised, supervised, semi-supervised), libraries used, runtime required for model training and testing, a description of the hardware used, as well as any other information related to the score achieved in Kaggle. Presentation - Proceedings The top-5 teams will have the opportunity to present their work at a conference special session, whereas their papers will be included in the IEEE Proceedings. A conference registration is required for the papers to be included in the program and the proceedings. Awards are planned for the top-3 teams. Important Dates Start of contest April 14, 2023 End of contest June 30, 2023 (also, short paper submission deadline) Notification July 15, 2023 Camera-ready August 7, 2023 (also, registration deadline) |