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ACSAC 2023 : [Call for Paper] The 2023 Annual Computer Security Applications Conference (ACSAC)


When Dec 4, 2023 - Dec 8, 2023
Where Austin, Texas, USA
Abstract Registration Due May 22, 2023
Submission Deadline May 26, 2023
Notification Due Aug 16, 2023
Categories    security technology   the impementation of systems   trustworthy systems

Call For Papers

Call for Papers
The Annual Computer Security Applications Conference (ACSAC)
December 4-8, 2023 · Austin, Texas, USA
Important Dates:
Abstract Registration: May 22 (23:59 Anywhere on Earth) — firm deadline
Paper Submissions: May 26 (23:59 Anywhere on Earth) — firm deadline
Early Rejection Notification: July 6 (tentative)
Authors Response Period: August 2-7 (tentative)
Acceptance Notification: August 16 (tentative)

Call for Submissions:
ACSAC is an internationally recognized forum where practitioners, researchers, and developers in information system security meet to learn and to exchange practical ideas and experiences. If you are developing practical solutions to problems related to protecting users, commercial enterprises, or countries' information infrastructures, consider submitting your work to the Annual Computer Security Applications Conference.
We solicit submissions that address the application of security technology, the implementation of systems, and the discussion of lessons learned. While we are interested in various topics, we especially encourage submissions in the area of our Hard Topic Theme. See for additional information.
Hard Topic Theme:
This year's hard topic theme solicits research results and technologies that are considering the concept of trustworthy systems. Trustworthy systems generally involve the development of capabilities that offer security, safety, and reliability guarantees. ACSAC has always solicited work on applied security; with this hard topic, we hope to put great emphasis on deployable trustworthy systems.

Topics: The main topics of interest to ACSAC include, but are not limited to
• Access Control, Assurance, Audit
• Anonymity, Privacy
• Application Security
• Big Data for Security
• Cloud and Virtualization Security
• Cyber-Physical Systems, Embedded Systems, and IoT Security
• Data Integrity and Protection
• Denial of Service Attacks and Defenses
• Deployable Trustworthy Systems (Hard Topic)
• Digital Forensics
• Distributed Systems Security
• Enterprise Security Management and Incident Response
• Hardware and Supply Chain Security
• Identity Management
• Intrusion Detection and Prevention
• Machine Learning Security
• Malware
• Mobile/Wireless Security
• Network Security
• OS and Systems Security
• Resilience
• Software Security
• Software-defined Programmable Security
• Usability and Human-centered Security
• Web Security
Ethical Considerations:
Papers that might raise ethical concerns (e.g., papers that use human subjects, leverage potentially sensitive data, or describe experiments related to vulnerabilities in software or systems) must include an Ethical Considerations section that properly describes what procedures have been followed to minimize potential harm. Such papers should discuss the steps taken to avoid negatively affecting any third-parties, whether an institutional ethics committee reviewed the research, or how the authors plan to responsibly disclose the vulnerabilities to the appropriate software/system vendors or owners before publication.
Submission Rules:
Please ensure that your submission consists of a PDF file of no more than 10 double-column pages, excluding well-marked references and appendices limited to a maximum of 5 pages. The full PDF document must not exceed a total of 15 pages. Please note that PC members are not required to read the appendices and that page limits will be strictly enforced.
Papers must be appropriately anonymized to enable double-blind review. Author names and affiliations must not be included in the PDF submission. Authors can cite and refer to their own prior work, but must do so in the third person, as if it was written by someone else. In the rare case that citing previous work in the third person is not possible, please anonymize the reference and notify the Program Chairs.
Paper title and abstract registration is required ahead of the paper submission, by the abstract registration deadline. Notice that while some changes to the title and/or abstract are allowed before the paper submission deadline, registered titles and abstracts will be used for initial review assignments and should therefore be as close as possible to the finalized submission title/abstract.
Submissions must be generated using the double-column ACM format (see template available at using the [sigconf, anonymous] options. Submissions should not use older ACM templates (e.g., sig-alternate). All papers must be submitted exclusively through the ACSAC 2023 paper submission system.
Artifact Submission:
Authors of accepted papers are strongly encouraged to submit their software and data artifacts for formal evaluation by the Artifacts Evaluation Committee and to make them publicly available to the entire community. During submission, authors of papers whose main contributions and experimental results rely primarily on new or reproduced artifacts (e.g., code and/or data) should indicate whether they will separately submit their artifacts for evaluation, if their paper is accepted. This acknowledgement will be visible to the reviewers and may therefore be taken into consideration during the review process. Authors who have justifiable reasons to not submit their artifacts for evaluation (in case their paper is accepted) should add a comment in the corresponding comment box in the submission form. Additionally, during paper submission authors can optionally provide a URL pointing to a repository containing their paper artifacts. While artifacts will be formally evaluated only if the paper is accepted, as explained above, reviewers may also take into account the availability and quality of the paper artifacts during the main paper review process, before making a final decision (please refer to the paper submission form for additional details).

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