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MULTI 2023 : 10th International Workshop on Multi-Level Modeling, co-located with MODELS 2023


When Oct 1, 2023 - Oct 1, 2023
Where Västerås, Sweden
Submission Deadline Jul 17, 2023
Notification Due Aug 15, 2023
Final Version Due Aug 22, 2023
Categories    conceptual modeling   software engineering   UML   data modeling

Call For Papers

Call for Papers -- MULTI 2023: 10th International Workshop on Multi-Level Modeling
in conjunction with MODELS 2023, Västerås, Sweden, Oct 1-6, 2023

*** Deadline for paper submission: July 17, 2023
*** Homepage:

We cordially invite submissions to the
10th International Workshop on Multi-Level Modeling (MULTI 2023).

Multi-level modeling (MLM) is a conservative extension of the traditional two-level object-oriented paradigm with the potential to improve upon the utility, reliability, and complexity of models. It allows for an unbounded number of classification levels and introduces other concepts and mechanisms that foster expressiveness, reuse and adaptability.

Topics of interest include

- the nature of elements in a multi-level hierarchy and how best to represent and present them.
- the importance and role of deep characterization mechanisms, including potency and its variants.
- the structure of MLM frameworks.
- fundamental aspects of MLM, such as model composition and decomposition.
- formal approaches to MLM.
- tool support for MLM.
- MLM in education.
- model management (transformation, code generation etc.) in a multi-level setting.
- integration of modelling and programming languages in a multi-level setting.
- constraints in a multi-level setting.
- definition of behavioral semantics in a multi-level setting.
- methods and techniques for discovering clabjects and their specializations and classification relationships.
- design patterns addressing when and how to apply multi-level metamodelling.
- case studies demonstrating advantages of multi-level techniques.
- applying MLM to large and/or real-world problems.
- criteria and approaches for comparing MLM approaches.

In addition to regular papers (10 pages in 2-column IEEE style), we also solicit papers
addressing the challenges available from the MULTI 2023 home page

We furthermore welcome position and demo papers (5 pages).
Submit your paper by Jul 17, 2023 at

Best regards,

Thomas Kühne, Zoltán Theisz, Manfred Jeusfeld
(MULTI 2023 organizers)

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