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FAACS 2023 : The 7th International Workshop on Formal Approaches for Advanced Computing Systems


When Sep 18, 2023 - Sep 19, 2023
Where Istanbul
Submission Deadline Jun 30, 2023
Notification Due Jul 28, 2023
Final Version Due Aug 4, 2023
Categories    software architecture   formal methods   validation and verification   autonomous systems

Call For Papers

The 7th Workshop on Formal Approaches for Advanced Computing Systems (FAACS’2023) Co-located with the 17th European Conference on Software Architecture (ECSA)
Istanbul, Turkey, September 18-19, 2023,

Important Dates:
– Submission Deadline: June 30, 2023
– Notification of Papers: July 28, 2023
– Camera Ready: August 4, 2023
– Workshop Date: September 18-19, 2023.

*** Motivation and Scope ***
The way services and information are currently delivered to a multitude of end-
users is changing impressively thanks to the availability of new technologies (e.g.,
IoT connectivity, digitalization, and smart devices) and complex computational
models (e.g., autonomic, adaptive computing, and artificial intelligence). Many
approaches used nowadays to develop such large, complex, advanced software
systems are still not able to ensure the correctness and dependability of the
delivered products. Emerging technologies and methodologies gain great popu-
larity while some of their aspects are developed ad-hoc, not rigorously, due to
the lack of more formal approaches. Nevertheless, unreliable or unpredictable
behavior, such as threats to confidentiality and even financial or health danger,
cannot be tolerated as society increasingly depends on them.

Assuring safety, security, privacy, performance, trustworthiness and other im-
portant qualities of such systems currently represents a challenge that calls for
novel rigorous and formal approaches to system design, development, valida-
tion, and verification. Indeed, in the digitalized era where physical artifacts are
controlled by their Digital Twins, unexpected exposure of users to unwanted be-
haviors is highly undesirable. The goal of the workshop is to foster integration
between formal methods and software architecture promoting new connections
and synergies between the two research communities in order to address the
challenges of the upcoming generation of computing systems.

*** Topics of Interest ***
Areas of interest include, but are not limited to:
– requirements formalization and formal specification;
– formal/semi-formal architecture design, validation and verification, quality
analysis and evaluation;
– formal/semi-formal approaches to digitalisation, development of digital so-
ciety and Digital Twins;
– methodologies and approaches focusing on addressing challenges of modern
computing systems that are currently addressed ad-hoc;
– architecture description languages and metamodels;
– architectural patterns, styles and tactics, viewpoints and views;
– architecture transformation and refinement, architecture based synthesis;
– model-driven engineering;
– approaches and tools for verification and validation;
– performance analysis based on formal approaches;
– compliance assurance using formal methods;
– application of methodologies, theories, approaches and techniques specific to
the aforementioned areas to AI-based, autonomous, robotic, cyber-physical,
and self-adaptive systems;
– reports on practical experience in the application of formal methods to in-
dustrial case studies.

*** Types of Papers ***
FAACS 2023 solicits the following types of papers:

– Full papers (up to 12 pages in LNCS format + 2 extra pages for references):
about original research contributions, case studies, or report on work or
experiences in industry;

– Short papers (up to 8 pages in LNCS format + 2 extra pages for references):
describing work-in-progress, new and emerging ideas, techniques and/or
tools or extensions not fully validated yet, or outstanding challenges along
with possible approaches for resolving them.

*** Submission ***
Submitted papers must be written in English and prepared following the submis-
sion guidelines. Submissions must be uploaded before the submission deadline
in PDF format using EasyChair for FAACS2023.

Panel Discussion
We are planning to have an expert panel session related to above specified topics of interest. If interested, you may contact the program co-chairs to be part of the panel discussion as an expert.

Program Co-chairs
– Nadeem Abbas, Linnaeus University Sweden, Växjö, Sweden (
– Silvia Bonfanti, University of Bergamo, Bergamo, Italy (

Steering Committee
– Paolo Arcaini, National Institute of Informatics, Japan
– Matteo Camilli, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Italy
– Marina Mongiello, Politecnico di Bari, Italy
– Elvinia Riccobene, University of Milan, Italy
– Patrizia Scandurra, University of Bergamo, Italy

Related Resources

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