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ICMAIL 2023 : 2023 IEEE International Conference on Marine Artificial Intelligence and Law


When Sep 3, 2023 - Sep 4, 2023
Where Taiwan
Submission Deadline Jul 15, 2023
Notification Due Jul 30, 2023
Final Version Due Sep 10, 2023
Categories    ocean   artificial intelligence   marine ecological conservation   underwater vehicles

Call For Papers

ICMAIL 2023 Call for Papers
2023 IEEE International Conference on Marine Artificial Intelligence and Law (ICMAIL 2023)
Sep. 3-4, 2023, Taipei, Taiwan

The IEEE International Conference on Marine Artificial Intelligence and Law (IEEE ICMAIL 2023) will be held in Taipei from September 3 to September 4, 2023. It will provide a communication platform for researchers interested in the topics of oceanography, artificial intelligence, and law. The focus of this conference will be on research related to artificial intelligence in the ocean. We welcome professors, researchers, academicians, engineers, lawyers, innovators, and practitioners from around the world to participate in IEEE ICMAIL 2023. The aims of this conference are to enable interdisciplinary collaboration among ocean scientists, computer scientists, engineers, and legal professionals. During the conference, there will be substantial time for the presentation of ideas and discussions. Attendees will find various activities useful in bringing together a diverse group of teachers, educators, engineers, and technologists from across disciplines for the generation of new ideas, collaboration potential, and business opportunities.

We encourage the submission of any papers on artificial intelligence in the ocean. Technical papers related to the topics of interest (but not limited to those aspects) are invited for oral presentation. The program committee encourages the submission of invited sessions on a well-defined subject of current interest, with at least three manuscripts. If you are interested, please fill in the form using the online submission system at All papers in invited sessions will be reviewed and assessed by the program committee. The topics of interest include the following:

I. Applications of Artificial Intelligence to Marine Ecological Conservation
This topic pertains to the application of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies in aiding the conservation and management of marine ecosystems. Some specific areas within this field include:
1)Audio and Acoustic Signal Processing
3)Computer Vision
4)Computational Imaging
5)3D Computer Vision
7)Multimodal Learning
8)Image, Video analysis and understanding
9)Multidimensional Signal Processing
10)Image and Video Synthesis and Generation
11)Video: Events, Activities and Surveillance
12)Recognition: Detection, Categorization, Indexing, Matching

II. Applications of Vehicles, Communications and Positioning in the Ocean
This topic pertains to the utilization of diverse technologies to investigate, chart, and track the oceanic environment. Some particular areas within this field include:
2)Applied Signal Processing Systems
3)Deep Learning/Machine Learning for Signal Processing
6)Autonomous driving
7)Vision Applications and Systems
8)Motion Estimation, Matching and Tracking
9)Vision and Robotics
10) Advancements in Battery Technology and Charging
11) Energy Efficiency

III. Applications of Breeding and Cultivation
This topic pertains to the implementation of breeding and cultivation techniques in the domain of biological aquaculture, with the aim of enhancing productivity, quality, and yield. Additionally, it examines the application of these techniques towards attaining sustainable development in the aquaculture of marine organisms, while exploring emerging trends and novel technologies for future growth. Some specific areas within this field include:
1)Breeding and cultivation techniques for marine organisms
2)Applications of aquaculture techniques in the ocean
3)Conservation and management of marine fishery resources
4)Preservation of marine biodiversity and protection of marine ecosystems
5)Effects of ocean environment and climate change on marine organisms
6)Economic utilization and value development of marine biological resources
7)Sustainable development and social impact assessment of marine aquaculture
8)Applications of new technologies, tools, and models

Submission Site Opening: April 4
Deadline for Paper Submissions: July 15
Notification of Paper Acceptance: July 30
Early Registration Acceptance: August 10
Conference Held: September 3-4
Full Paper Submission Due: September 10
Notification of Full Paper Acceptance: September 30
Final Paper Sent to IEEE Xplore®: October 15

The conference proceedings of IEEE ICMAIL 2023 will be submitted to the IEEE Xplore® digital library (indexed by EI) if the papers fit the scopes of IEEE (IEEE fields). Papers of other fields will be sent to Scopus for reviewed and indexed. To maintain a high quality of conference proceeding, the English of full papers should be good enough. We will request authors to send the full papers for English editing if the papers do not pass the review process by the Program Committees.

Excellent papers selected from IEEE ICMAIL 2023 will be recommended to be published on suitable 10 different SCI and SSCI journals after an additional review process and may need extra publication charge:
1. Sensors (SCI: ISSN: 1424-8220; IF: 3.847)
2. Electronics (SCI: ISSN: 2079-9292; IF: 2.690)
3. Coatings (SCI; ISSN 2079-6412; IF: 3.236)
4. Energies (SCI, ISSN 1996-1073; IF: 3.252)
5. Applied Sciences (SCI; ISSN 2076-3417; IF: 2.838)
6. Symmetry (SCI; ISSN 2073-8994; IF: 2.940)
7. Sensors and Materials (SCI; ISSN: 0914-4935; IF: 0.879)
8. Buildings (SCI; ISSN 2075-5309; IF: 3.324)
9. Water (SCI; ISSN 2073-4441; IF: 3.530)
10. Applied System Innovation (ESCI, Scopus, ISSN 2571-5577)
(1) Artificial Intelligence
(2) Human-Computer Interaction
(3) Control and Systems Engineering
(4) Information Systems
(5) Medical Informatics and Healthcare Engineering

(6) Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering
(7) Applied Systems on Educational Innovations and Emerging Technologies
(8) Applied Mathematics

Prof. Kuo-Ping Chiang, National Taiwan Ocean University, Taiwan
President Tai-Wen Hsu, National Taiwan Ocean University, Taiwan
Prof. Ying-Chung Chen, National Sun Yat-Sen University, Taiwan
Prof. Tsair-Chun Liang, National Kaohsiung University of Science and Technology (First Campus), Taiwan
Prof. Teen-Hang Meen, National Formosa University, Taiwan
Prof. Cheng-Fu Yang, National University of Kaohsiung, Taiwan
Prof. Kuei-Shu Hsu, Chia Nan University of Pharmacy & Science, Taiwan

Prof. Jung-Hua Wang, National Taiwan Ocean University
Prof. Chin-Chang Hung, National Sun Yat-sen University
A.P. Yung-Sheng Chiu, National Sun Yat-sen University
A.P. Ji-Kang Cheng, National Yang Ming Chiao Tong University
Asst. Prof. Dong-Lin Li, National Taiwan Ocean University
A.P. Chih-Ta Yen, National Taiwan Ocean University
Prof. Yi-Hua Liu, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology
Prof. Sheng-Long Kao, National Taiwan Ocean University
Prof. Juei-Cheng Jao, National Taiwan Ocean University
Asst. Prof. Yu-Shiuan Tsai, National Taiwan Ocean University
Asst. Prof. Yu-Shan Cheng, National Taiwan Ocean University
Asst. Prof. Sin-Der Lee, National Taiwan Ocean University
Dr. Horng-Yi Hsu, National Taiwan Ocean University

Prof. Ravi Rao, Fairleigh Dickinson University in New Jersey, USA
Prof. Jae-Woong Kim, Kongju National University, Korea
Prof. Byung-Pyo Kyung, Kongju National University, Korea
Prof. Hee-Min Sa, Hannam University, Korea
Prof. Eshaa Alkhalifa, Royal University for Women, Bahrain
Prof. Ming Cheung, Griffith University, Australia
Prof. Yu Dong, Curtin University, Australia

For more information about ICMAIL2023, please visit our website or contact us.
Tel: +886-2-2462-2192#6230

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