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LAMC 2023 : IEEE MTT-S Latin America Microwave Conference


When Dec 6, 2023 - Dec 8, 2023
Where San Jose, Costa Rica
Submission Deadline Jul 24, 2023
Notification Due Sep 1, 2023
Final Version Due Oct 1, 2023

Call For Papers

The fourth edition of LAMC will take place in San Jose, Costa Rica, on December 6-8, 2023. After three successful editions in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico (2016), Arequipa, Peru (2018), and Cali, Colombia (2021, virtual), LAMC returns fully presential to San Jose as a high-quality technical forum for the Latin America Region and all the MTT-S community.
San Jose, located in the central region of Costa Rica, is a strategic place nearby SJO International Airport, where principal government institutions, universities, and industry converge in a metropolitan area with over three million people. The west of this urban area hosts a vibrant business environment, with the operation of more than 300 high-tech companies in fields such as semiconductors, electronics, software, and biomedical applications, among others.
We encourage the submission of original, unpublished research focused on (but not limited to) the following topics of interest:

1. Passive components, circuits and devices (planar and nonplanar components and circuits, filters and multiplexers, tunable devices, and metamaterials).

2. Active devices, circuits and subsystems (RFICs & MMIC design, power amplifiers, linearization techniques, low noise circuits, signal generation, conversion & control modules, linear and nonlinear modeling and characterization).

3. RF systems and applications (microwave systems and front ends industrial scientific and medical applications, navigation systems, intelligent transportation systems, imaging, sensors, wireless power transmission).

4. Communication systems (terrestrial, vehicular, satellite and indoor applications, wireless and cellular communication systems).

5. Active and passive antennas (phase arrays, integrated antennas, smart antennas, digital beam forming and MIMO).

6. Signal power integrity and high-speed digital techniques (EM interference and compatibility, high-speed interconnects, post-silicon validation techniques, power delivery networks, computer simulations, and measurements).

7. CAD techniques for RF and microwave engineering (surrogate-based modeling and optimization, space mapping-based methods, model order reduction, machine learning approaches, statistical analysis, and design, EM-based, and multi-physics design optimization, EM field theory, time and frequency.

Related Resources

IMS 2025   IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium
IEEE LA-CCI 2024   IEEE Latin America Conference on Computational Intelligence
IMS 2024   IEEE/MTT-S International Microwave Symposium
CCS 2024   ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security 2024 - second deadline
LAJC 2024   Latin-American Journal of Computing
SACI 2025   19th IEEE International Symposium on Applied Computational Intelligence and Informatics
JMICRO 2024   International Journal of Microwave Engineering
IEEE/ION PLANS: AI-Enhanced Navigation 2025   IEEE/ION PLANS: TRACK D - Applications of Localization Technologies - AI-Enhanced Navigation
IEEE ICRAS 2025   IEEE--2025 9th International Conference on Robotics and Automation Sciences (ICRAS 2025)
JARES 2024   International Journal of Advance Robotics & Expert Systems