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ICHTML 2023 : 4th International Conference on History, Theory and Methodology of Learning


When Oct 12, 2023 - Oct 13, 2023
Where Kryvyi Rih, Ukraine
Submission Deadline Jul 15, 2023
Notification Due Sep 12, 2023
Final Version Due Sep 26, 2023
Categories    education science   education   learning   educational technology

Call For Papers

The International Conference on History, Theory and Methodology of Learning (ICHTML) is a peer-reviewed international conference, which covers a wide range of topics related to the history, theory, and methodology of learning. The conference is focused on exploring innovative approaches to learning, as well as examining the theoretical underpinnings of various learning models and methodologies.

The conference aims to bring together researchers, educators, and practitioners from different fields who are interested in understanding how people learn, how learning can be facilitated and improved, and how learning practices and theories have evolved over time.

The conference provides a platform for sharing research findings, exchanging ideas, and discussing the latest trends and developments in the field of learning. It encourages interdisciplinary collaborations, as well as discussions on the integration of new technologies in the learning process.

We invite you to participate in the conference and look forward to fruitful cooperation.


Authors are invited to submit full (and original research) papers (at least 6 pages) including surveys, tutorials, perspective/colloquia articles in conference topics of interest through the HotCRP ( by July 15, 2023.

ICHTML topics of interest:

Historical perspectives on learning and education
Theories of learning and their applications
Innovative teaching methodologies and approaches
Learning technologies and their impact on education
Learning in different contexts (formal, informal, non-formal)
Social and cultural aspects of learning
Assessment and evaluation of learning outcomes
Learning and development across the lifespan
Learning disabilities and special educational needs
Cross-cultural perspectives on learning and education
Philosophical perspectives on learning and education
Pedagogical strategies and techniques for effective learning
Teacher education and professional development
Educational policies and their impact on learning and education
Learning and education in the digital age
The impact of technology on learning
Learning analytics and big data

We are pleased to announce that due to the sponsorship of ACNS, the Educational Dimension editorial board, and the SUES (Supporting Ukrainian Editorial Staff) initiative, authors of accepted papers will have the option to choose between two publication opportunities:

a. The first option is the "Book chapter" choice, where accepted papers in English will be published in the conference proceedings book by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications (DOI: 10.5220). This publication will be available in the SCITEPRESS Digital Library.

b. The second option is the "Journal article" choice, where accepted papers in English, German, and Ukrainian will be published in the Educational Dimension journal by ACNS – Academy of Cognitive and Natural Sciences (DOI: 10.55056). This publication will be available in Open Access format.

We encourage authors to carefully consider which publication opportunity best fits their research needs and goals. We are proud to offer these options and believe they will provide valuable exposure for the outstanding research being presented at ICHTML.

NO REGISTRATION FEE: both participation and publication are free of charge (sponsored by the Academy of Cognitive and Natural Sciences).


- July 15, 2023: Paper Submission Deadline
- September 12, 2023: Notification of paper acceptance/rejection
- September 26, 2023: Final Paper Submission Deadline
- October 7, 2023: Registration Due
- October 12-13, 2023: Main Conference

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