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CIIS 2023 : VI International Conference on Systems Engineering


When Nov 2, 2023 - Nov 3, 2023
Where Lima-Perú
Submission Deadline Jul 10, 2023
Notification Due Aug 14, 2023
Final Version Due Sep 4, 2023
Categories    computer science   software engineering   information technology   systems engineering

Call For Papers

The Systems Engineering Undergraduate Program of the University of Lima organizes and presents the 6th International Conference on Systems Engineering (CIIS 2023) “Designing the Present and the Future: Artificial Intelligence for Sustainable Development.”

CIIS 2023 will be a hybrid event taking place on the University of Lima campus on November 2 and 3, 2023. This conference seeks to provide a space for reflection, discussion and submission of artificial intelligence-based papers aimed at promoting sustainable development. Research is expected to address these phenomena from the areas of information systems, software engineering, computer science and information technologies. software engineering, computer science and information technologies.

Sustainable development, beyond meeting human development objectives, involves sustaining over time the capacity of the global ecosystem to provide the resources and services needed by the economy and society. This concept plays a leading role in the strategies, projects, initiatives and good practices undertaken by governments, societies and companies, many of which are aimed at promoting sustainable development. Thus, this concept becomes even more important in the current context, characterized by the scarcity of certain natural resources, supply chain crisis, environmental problems, healthcare crisis, technological disruptions, and a high global flow of talented people, tangible goods and information.

It is precisely information and emerging technologies that represent an opportunity to mitigate global and local barriers to sustainable development, as well as to spread the positive impact of some good practices already implemented. Among these technologies, artificial intelligence generates important contributions in governments, societies and companies; consequently, it is seen as a positive catalyst for progress towards meeting the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the UN 2030 Agenda.

It is of great interest for this conference to bring together theoretical and applied papers that allows for a better understanding of how artificial intelligence contributes to the formulation of strategies, design and execution of projects, creation of goods and services, as well as implementation of actions and initiatives aimed at promoting sustainable development. Papers focused on sustainable development or on some of its dimensions, such as the environment, decent work, peace, equality, among others, are valued.

Leading world-class speakers will participate in the conference and will share their vision on the proposed topic. The CIIS 2023 scientific committee invites you to submit academic papers and posters showing innovative research proposals on this topic.

We look forward to seeing you at the conference!

Participant Information
CIIS 2023 will be held as a hybrid event, with either virtual or in-person attendance at the University of Lima campus. All participants will receive a certificate of attendance. The event will take place between the 2 and 3 of November.

Call For Papers and Posters:
We welcome original papers and posters reporting on research and empirical studies in the following, but not limited to, area topics:

Information Systems:
Education in Information Systems
Global issues in IS
Security, Privacy and Ethics in IS
Project Management

Software Engineering:
Software Architectures
Agile Methodologies
Requirements Engineering
Formal Methods
Methodologies in Software Development
Quality Assurance
Mobile and Ubiquous Systems
Testing, Verification and Validation of Software

Computer Science:
Data Structures and Algorithms
Big Data
Computer Graphics
Computer Science Education
Data Mining
Human Computer Interaction
Artificial Intelligence
Information Processing
Virtual and Augmented Reality
Theory of Computing
Computational Vision
Social and Ethics Issues in Computing

Information Technology
Internet of Things
Embedded Systems
Cloud Computing
Software define Networks
Web and Internet Computing
Grid Computing
Green Computing
Networks and Communications

Link with instructions:

Important Dates
Paper submission deadline: July 07th, 2023.
Review committee’s notification of paper acceptance and comments deadline: August 14th, 2023.
Final paper submission deadline: September 4th, 2023.

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