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CMLS 2023 : 4th International Workshop on Conceptual Modeling for Life Sciences


When Nov 6, 2023 - Nov 9, 2023
Where Lisbon, Portugal
Submission Deadline Aug 2, 2023
Notification Due Sep 4, 2023
Final Version Due Sep 20, 2023
Categories    conceptual modeling   bioinformatics   databases   life sciences

Call For Papers

****** CMLS 2023: The 4th International Workshop on Conceptual Modeling for Life Sciences ******

In conjunction with the 42nd International Conference on Conceptual Modeling (ER 2023) in Lisbon, Portugal - November 6-9, 2023 (in-person conference)


Conference website


Submission deadline: August 2nd, 2023

******Workshop focus******

The recent advances in unraveling the secrets of human conditions and diseases have encouraged new paradigms for their prevention, diagnosis, and treatment. As information is increasing at an unprecedented rate, it directly impacts the design and future development of information and data management pipelines; thus, new ways of processing data, information, and knowledge in healthcare environments are strongly needed.
The fourth edition of the workshop aims to continue being a meeting point for Information Systems (IS), Conceptual Modeling (CM), and Data Management (DM) researchers working on health care and life science problems. It is also an opportunity to share, discuss and find new approaches to improve promising fields, with a special focus on Genomic Data Management – how to use the information from the genome to better understand biological and clinical features – and Precision Medicine – giving to each patient an individualized treatment by understanding the peculiar aspects of the disease.
From the precise ontological characterization of the components involved in complex biological systems to the modeling of the operational processes and decision support methods used in the diagnosis and prevention of diseases, the joined research communities of IS, CM, and DM have an important role to play; they must help in providing feasible solutions for high-quality and efficient health care.
The COVID-19 pandemic and the recent climate disruption have attracted increasing attention to the effects of pathogens and environmental change on human health. CMLS aims to become a forum for discussing the responsibility of the conceptual modeling community in supporting the life sciences related to these new realities.

******Topics of interest******

The fourth edition of the workshop focuses on Conceptual Modeling as a means for facing the challenges that emerge when designing and developing systems for life sciences, focused on genomics and precision medicine. The workshop is not restricted to specific research methods; we will consider both conceptual and empirical research, as well as novel applications.

The topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

-Conceptual modeling for genomics
-Modeling of complex biological systems and of health ecosystems
-Information systems for healthcare, genomics, or medicine of precision
-Design, implementation, and evaluation of health information systems
-Electronic/digital health information systems
-Life science-related domain specific modeling languages
-Data management and integration for genomics and biology
-Ontologies and workflows for life sciences
-Clinical and biological data interoperability
-Interoperability of health information systems
-Knowledge-representation for genetics
-Business process modeling for genetic/clinical diagnosis
-Conceptual model-driven big data analytics for genomics, clinical diagnosis or biological problems
-Conceptual models for data-driven AI systems in life sciences
-Models for digital transformation of healthcare systems
-Conceptual models in life sciences: from theory to practice
-Models to facilitate multidisciplinary exchange in healthcare contexts
-Virology-related conceptual models and their applications
-Conceptual models and information systems for fighting climate change and its effects


CMLS 2023 proceedings will be part of the ER 2023 Workshop volume. The authors must submit manuscripts using the Springer-Verlag LNCS style for Lecture Notes in Computer Science. For style files and details, see the page

The workshop accepts full papers of 10 pages. Papers must be submitted as PDF files using EasyChair at (track: Workshop on Conceptual Modeling for Life Sciences).

******Important Dates******

Paper submission: August 2nd, 2023
Notification: September 4th, 2023
Camera-ready version: September 18th, 2023
ER Conference dates: November 6-9th, 2023

******Organizing Committee******

Anna Bernasconi, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Arif Canakoglu, Fondazione IRCCS Ca’ Granda Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico, Milan, Italy
Alberto García S., Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain
José Fabián Reyes Román, Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain

Main contact:

Related Resources

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