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HAR 2023 : Human and Artificial Rationality Conference


When Sep 19, 2023 - Sep 22, 2023
Where Paris (France)
Submission Deadline Jul 15, 2023
Categories    philosophy and psychology   artificial reasoning   human reasoning   human-machine interaction

Call For Papers

Dear Colleagues,

I am delighted to invite you to the 2nd international conference on Human and Artificial Rationality (HAR 2023), which will take place in Paris, France.

This year’s conference will be held at the Institut de Philosophie Comparée (IPC) in the heart of Paris and is now open for the submission of extended abstracts for individual talks.

The conference on Human and Artificial Rationality’s main focus is on computational approaches of human reasoning (in the broad sense, including judgments, decision-making, problem-solving, pragmatics, …), on its criticism, and on how human-like artificial reasoning can be. Regarding human rationality, this does not only include formal models of rationality, but also the investigation of the different factors that influence or direct human reasoning (including automatic processes and deliberate thinking). Regarding artificial rationality, this does not simply include artificial computational models, but how they relate to human reasoning. Another area of interest are the rationality processes involved in the interaction of artificial and human agents.

Following peer-review, accepted papers will be published as a volume of Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS)
LNCS volumes are submitted for indexing in the Conference Proceedings Citation Index (CPCI), part of Clarivate Analytics’ Web of Science; Scopus; EI Engineering Index; Google Scholar; DBLP; etc.

Submission Instructions
The deadline for papers is the 15th of June 2023.

The paper, containing references, should be written in English. Please make sure to read the submission guidelines:
Two types of papers are accepted:
Full Papers (12-15+ pages)
Short Papers (6-11 pages)
The page number includes references. A page is considered to contain about 300-400 words.

You will find below the three main topics and subsections. Cross-topic presentations are very welcome and encouraged.

Philosophy of human or artificial reasoning
Intelligence and rationality: distinction and intricacy;
Epistemic virtues: emotions and rationality;
The epistemological status of reasoned beliefs;
AI and epistemology;
Strong AI: criticism and criticism of criticism;
Robot law and ethics on artificial reasoning;
ethical and legal challenges of conversational robots;
Artificial agents and morality;
Psychology of human reasoning
Reasoning, either deductive, inductive, abductive, causal, moral…;
Judgments of probabilities and other quantities;
Conceptual thinking;
Belief revision;
Influence of language and culture on thought;
Neuropsychology of reasoning;
Thinking and disabilities;
Theory of Mind;
Human-Machine Interaction (HRI, HCI, ….)
Psychologically based models of artificial intelligence;
Evaluation of artificial agents;
Explainability of artificial agents;
Acceptance and Trust in artificial agents;
Sociocultural aspects of the use of artificial agents;
Best practices and overlapping lessons learned from deploying conversational agents;
design of conversational agents such as coaching chatbots;
life-span approaches of using digital devices in psychology (education, remediation, special needs);
Artificial agents for inclusion;

Submission link:

Registration Instructions

Regular Registration: 80€, or 70€ if early registration.
Student Registration: 60€, or 50€ if early registration.
Regular Online Registration: 50€, or 40€ if early registration.
Student Online Registration: 40€, or 30€ if early registration.

Students of the Master of Cognitive Psychology from Paris 8 are invited thanks to the support of the P-A-R-I-S Association and IPC.
Please note that the number of registrations of this type is limited.

Registration link:

Please note that registration includes admission to all sessions, and lunch.

Contact email:

We hope to see you in Paris in September!

Best wishes,
Prof. Jean Baratgin
Chairman of HAR-2023

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