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IndiaHCI 2023 : 2023 14th edition of India HCI - the International Conference Series on Human-Computer Interaction


When Nov 23, 2023 - Nov 25, 2023
Where Dehradun, Uttarakhand, India
Submission Deadline TBD
Notification Due Aug 25, 2023
Final Version Due Sep 30, 2023
Categories    human computer interaction   design   HCI

Call For Papers

India HCI 2023 is the 14th edition of the international conference series on Human-Computer Interaction. Papers are the main medium for conveying new research results at India HCI. We seek submissions that push the boundaries of human knowledge and that describe original, unpublished work in the field of HCI. India HCI uses an anonymous submission process (similar to CHI) for paper submissions. Please consult the India HCI ‘23 Author’s Guide for information on the ACM Paper Format (also mentioned below) and conference policies on previous and simultaneous publications. To preserve anonymity during review, the authors must remove their names and affiliations from the paper. If authors have conducted relevant prior work, they must cite it as they would cite any other paper, while referring to this work in third person (as if it was by someone else). Authors can revise their submissions based on the reviews they receive, prior to submitting their camera-ready manuscripts. Until the camera-readies have been checked off by the programme committee, papers will be considered conditionally accepted.

Topics of relevance include but are not limited to:

• User experiences leveraged by virtual, augmented or mixed reality, mobile phones, the web, desktop or custom hardware platforms
• User experiences in diverse domains such as finance, healthcare, livelihoods and education
• Understanding and modelling users and user behaviour
• Studies that engage qualitative or quantitative approaches and offer critical perspectives
• Ubiquitous computing and wearable technologies
• Human-centred artificial intelligence
• Social software and computer-supported collaborative work (CSCW)
• Information and communication technologies for development (ICTD)
• Usable privacy and security
• Accessible designs and technologies
• Computer games

All papers should be submitted electronically to India HCI Electronic Submission site by July 3, 2023.

Paper Length
There is no hard page limit, but long papers without a proportional contribution are more likely to be rejected. Papers longer than 12 pages will be considered as full papers and therefore need to demonstrate significant contributions and originality.

Videos: Videos accompanying submissions can be submitted through Microsoft CMT as supplementary material (max 100 MB in size). Although papers must stand on their own, submitted videos will be available to reviewers as supporting material. Authors should note that no specific guidelines are given for developing a video. Videos are viewed only as supporting material, and authors of accepted papers will have the opportunity to prepare a more polished final video presentation for inclusion in the proceedings and as supplemental material in the ACM Digital Library. Authors should note that videos too need to maintain anonymity for the review process. Authors are free to update the video once their submission is accepted, if they wish to disclose themselves in the videos.

When submitting your video for review, please encode your video in a format that works across as many platforms as possible without the installation of additional codecs. Please note that the total aggregate size for a submission must not exceed 100 MBytes (including all documents and additional material).

Reviewing process: Each paper will be subjected to rigorous review by two Associate Chairs (from the programme committee) and two external reviewers (experts in the area that are not on the committee). Contact authors will be sent the initial reviews for their papers by August 3. Authors will have an opportunity to submit a 500-word rebuttal to answer questions or clarify misunderstandings of reviewers by August 16. The final decision for accepting or rejecting a paper will be done in a PC meeting, after which the authors will be notified of the decisions.

All acceptances will be conditional pending changes that the papers committee may suggest or require for the final camera-ready draft of the paper. The primary author of each accepted paper will receive detailed instructions on how to submit a final, publication-ready version of the paper. The paper will not be formally accepted to India HCI until authors revise it and submit a final draft for approval by the programme committee. Some submissions may be asked to undergo a more intense shepherding process in order to bring them to the standard required for India HCI. The deadline for submitting the “camera ready” version after all changes will be September 30. Additionally, at least one author of each paper needs to register for the conference by this date.

ACM Paper Format
All authors should submit manuscripts in the ACM Paper Format using Microsoft Word Template, LaTeX Template, or Overleaf. [Please note that the Microsoft Word Template contains invisible meta-tags related to the paper format and structure. While writing the paper authors are requested to add their content without altering any format and structure of the template.]

Authors’ Guide

Important Dates
July 3, 2023: Papers due
August 3, 2023: Authors will receive initial reviews of their papers
August 16, 2023: Rebuttals due
August 25, 2023: Authors will be notified of the decision and get final reviews
September 17, 2023: Paper needing shepherding decisions
September 30, 2023: Final camera-ready papers are due, and at least one author must register for the conference
(All deadlines close at 23:59 IST)
In the review process, there will be three independent blind reviewers for each paper. In addition, a meta-review will be done by a program committee member.

Related Resources

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