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When Nov 14, 2023 - Nov 16, 2023
Where Bangkok, Thailand
Submission Deadline Sep 15, 2023
Categories    social sciences   social science   interdisciplinary   psychology

Call For Papers

ICSHER2023 is looking forward to welcoming everyone in the vibrant city of Bangkok, Thailand from 14th - 16th of November 2023.

​5th International Conference on Sexuality: Health, Education & Rights [ICSHER2023] is a three-day program, unlike most academic conferences. ICSHER provides a comprehensive platform for learning and networking with global stakeholders, bringing together scholars, graduate students and professionals as well as NGO representatives and policymakers from across the world. We believe that only by understanding perspectives of various stakeholders on subjects at hand can we transform our ideas into sustainable solutions that will work for all.

ICSHER2023 will explore what roles family, education, culture, workplace and society as a whole play in achieving gender equality and promoting sexual health and rights. The program consists of: plenary talks, presentations of selected papers, case studies and reports; themed panel discussions and networking activities. We offer a safe, culturally and professionally diverse environment, carefully designed to foster personal and professional growth.

​We look forward to welcoming you to our growing ICSHER community of colleagues and friends.

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