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ICRNAAU 2023 : National culture in changing social realm: values and creativity


When May 30, 2023 - May 30, 2023
Where online, Kyiv, Ukraine
Abstract Registration Due May 15, 2023
Submission Deadline May 22, 2023
Notification Due May 15, 2023
Final Version Due May 22, 2023
Categories    cultural heritage   cultural policy   war and conflicts   cultural studies

Call For Papers

Institute for Cultural Research of the National Academy of Arts of Ukraine provides research on the changing social realm during the wartime, that raises new issues and challenges of implementation, dealing with the transformations of the methodology for the post-war restoration of cultural heritage and the recovery of cultural, social and related economic infrastructure.
The core focus on this conference is protection of national identity with the subsequent ensecuring for the values restored in material cultural heritage and strengthening the creativity for cultural recovery and sustainability.
We invite scholars, researchers and experts examining cultural heritage, ethnology, anthropology, cultural economics, modern history to submit proposals on topics including, but not restricted to:
- the new human roles in national cultural processes;
- the protection of national identity in the conditions of cultural expansion;
- material cultural heritage in the system of values of modern people;
- the revision of the socio-economic perspectives of Ukraine’s cultural space cultural development in different regions, support of local cultural initiatives;
- monument protection activities under wartime;
- representation of Ukraine’s cultural heritage in the context of contemporary historical and cultural processes (national and international level);
- documenting decolonization processes in cultural policy (cultural diplomacy, regional development).
Languages: Ukrainian, English.
The conference will take place online (zoom).
All presentations up to 20 minutes, papers and abstracts – 200-500 words (APA style References).
Please send proposals and abstracts, including contact detail and affiliation, to by May, 15, 2023.

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