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MOSAIC 2023 : Modalities in Substructural Logics: Theory, Methods and Applications


When Sep 27, 2023 - Sep 29, 2023
Where Vienna, Austria
Submission Deadline Jun 2, 2023
Notification Due Jun 30, 2023
Categories    logic   modalities   computer science   reasoning

Call For Papers

MOSAIC 2023 is an event of the RISE-MSCA project MOSAIC.

The RISE-MSCA project MOSAIC — “Modalities in Substructural Logic: Theory, Methods and Applications” aims at:

1. Putting forward a comprehensive and unifying logico-mathematical study of substructural modal logics, that is, substructural logics with modalities.

2. Exploring the application of substructural modal logics, in particular, in the areas of Artificial Intelligence; legal reasoning; data privacy and security; logical analysis of natural language.

Abstracts of contributed talks of 2-4 pages are to be prepared using the EasyChair class style (

List of Topics:

(*) Proof Theory and complexity;
(*) Algebraic Semantics;
(*) Relational frames and structural properties;
(*) Coalgebras, Correspondence theory;
(*) Fixpoint logics;
(*) Logics for reasoning about norms, time, preferences, uncertainty;
(*) Automated Deduction;
(*) Applications of non-classical logics.

Invited Speakers

(+) Nick Bezhanishvili (University of Amsterdam)
(+) Serafina Lapenta (University of Salerno)
(+) Elaine Pimentel (University College of London)
(+) Adam Prenosil (University of Barcelona)
(+) Carles Sierra (Artificial Intelligence Research Institute of Barcelona)

Program Committee

Agata Ciabattoni (Austria) (Chair)
Pilar Dellunde (Spain)
Tommaso Flaminio (Spain) (co-Chair)
Sabine Frittella (France)
Brunella Gerla (Italy)
Lluis Godo (Spain)
Rafal Gruszczynski (Poland)
Hykel Hosni (Italy)
Rosalie Iemhoff (The Netherlands)
George Metcalfe (Switzerland)
Tommaso Moraschini (Spain)
Carles Noguera (Italy)
Alessandra Palmigiano (The Netherlands)
David Pym (UK)
Giovanni Sartor (Italy)
Luca Spada (Italy)

Organizing committee

Agata Ciabattoni
Robert Freiman
Dmitry Rozplokhas
Dominik Pichler
Josephine Dik

Contact: Please visit


This event has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 101007627

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