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MICCAI 2023 : 26th International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention


Conference Series : Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention
When Oct 8, 2023 - Oct 12, 2023
Where Vancouver/CANADA
Submission Deadline Mar 9, 2023
Categories    medical imaging   artificial intelligence

Call For Papers

MICCAI is the premier international conference in Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention and attracts world leading biomedical scientists, engineers, and clinicians from a wide range of disciplines. This edition of the conference will be emphasizing the move of MIC and CAI research from theory to practice by featuring a clinical translation session reflecting the real-world impact of the field in clinical workflows and clinical evaluations.

MICCAI 2023 will be held as a hybrid event with an emphasis on in-person participation in Vancouver.

As in previous years, you must register your intention-to-submit by Midnight, Pacific Time, Feb 23rd, 2023. You will not be able to submit your paper if you do not register your intention-to-submit before this deadline. You will be able to edit your submission up to the paper submission deadline (March 9th, 2023).

Topics of interest for MICCAI include, but are not limited to:

Advances in Machine Learning Theory for Imaging
Automated image labeling
Multimodal fusion across biomedical scales
Computational Pathology
Computer Aided Diagnosis
Multimodal Biomarkers and Imaging Genetics
Image Reconstruction
Image Registration
Image Segmentation
Treatment response and outcome prediction
Rigorous imaging-related clinical studies and evaluations in clinical workflows
Image-Guided Interventions and Computer-assisted Interventions
AI-assisted interventional imaging
Robot-Assisted Surgery
Surgical Data Science
Surgical Skill and Workflow Analysis
Mixed, Augmented and Virtual Reality
Visualization in Biomedical Imaging
Biomedical Applications
We strongly encourage authors to improve the reproducibility of their research along three directions: open data, open implementations, and appropriate evaluation design and reporting. Where possible, we invite authors to use open data or to make their data and code available for open access by other researchers. With their submission, authors will be asked to fill out a reproducibility checklist indicating to what extent their submission fulfills these criteria.

There will be an opportunity to showcase papers in a dedicated session on clinical translation. The philosophy of this dedicated session is to keep a high standard for methodology development while enabling a strong focus on the clinical application, and providing insights into clinical challenges that need to be introduced to the MICCAI community.

Built on past success, we intend to continue to make reviews and rebuttals of accepted papers publicly available (without disclosing the reviewer's names) on the MICCAI website. By submitting a paper to MICCAI, the authors agree that, if their paper is accepted for publication, the reviews and meta-reviews of their paper will be published as well.

Papers will consist of a maximum of 8 pages (text, figures, and tables) + up to 2 pages for references only. They should be submitted electronically in LNCS style, appropriately anonymized for double-blind review, to the CMT system when available.

Accepted papers will be published in the MICCAI Proceedings in the Springer LNCS Series.

The papers will be evaluated by external reviewers and Area Chairs for inclusion in the scientific program of MICCAI.

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