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EJEL SI AIEd 2023 : Electronic Journal of e-Learning: Special Issue on on Artificial Intelligence in Education


When N/A
Where N/A
Submission Deadline TBD
Final Version Due Aug 31, 2023
Categories    artificial intelligence   learning   teaching   chatgpt

Call For Papers

Special issue on AI in Education: opportunities and challenges

The application of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in education has seen a pronounced surge in recent years, intensified with the launch of ChatGPT, which has opened many fundamental questions about the future of education. The aim of this call for papers is to bring together the latest research and developments in AI in education, to better understand how AI can enhance teaching and learning, and to identify the challenges and opportunities in this field.

We invite submissions of original research articles that address any of the following themes:

- The impact of AI on the lecturer as knowledge worker. Will lecturers be displaced by AI? To what extent? Will success as a lecturer depend on collaborating with AI? How do lecturers position themselves with respect to AI to stay in the game?
- Will the maturity of generative AI lead to radical changes in work and the re-thinking of the purpose of education and learning?
- Effect on lecturer-student interaction and relationship: Will the use of AI alter the face-to-face vs on-line balance? How will it affect in-class trends such as flipped classroom, problem-based learning, project-oriented-learning and others?
- AI-powered personalized learning: This theme encompasses research that explores the use of AI to provide personalized learning experiences, such as adapting learning materials to individual student needs and preferences.
- Responsibility for AI: Who will be responsible for the impact of failures on learners in ever more autonomous unsupervised-learning machines? Will machines take responsibility? Will we have to give machines personhood?
- AI as a research resource: How will the interaction of human and artificial intelligence work to expand the boundaries of knowledge and science? How will this affect copyrights and intellectual property?
- GPT Chat or Cheat: How do we define the ethical standards for acknowledging the use of generative AI in research and learning? How explicit and detailed do we need to be? How does the user know that AI is not incurring in plagiarism? Who is responsible if it does?
- The use of AI in educational assessment: This includes studies that investigate the use of AI for grading, testing, and evaluation in educational settings. Also discussions around the future of the take-home essay as assessment method.
- AI for educational equity: This theme encompasses research that explores how AI can be used to address issues of equity in education, such as reducing the achievement gap between different student populations.
- Ethical and social implications of AI in education: This theme covers research that addresses the ethical, social, and cultural implications of using AI in education, including issues related to privacy, data security, and bias.
- Governance of AI: How do we come to grips with the governance of this technology before it reaches singularity and displaces human intelligence? How will its governance impact its use in education?

We welcome both theoretical and empirical contributions, including case studies, evaluations, exploratory research. Systematic reviews are also welcome, providing they address some specific questions from the list above.

All submissions will undergo a rigorous peer-review process and will be evaluated based on their originality, quality, and relevance to the field of AI in education.

This call for papers will close on 31 August 2023. Papers will be evaluated on receipt and if deemed appropriate will be put directly into the review process. See the journal website for more information on the reviewing and publishing policies.

Submission Guidelines:

Submissions should be original and not under consideration for publication elsewhere. Papers should be formatted according to the guidelines provided on the journal website. All submissions should be made through the journal submission system.

Contact Information:

For any inquiries regarding this call for research papers, please email the special issue editors.

Dr Paul Griffiths
EM-Normandie Business School, Métis Lab, Oxford Campus, UK


Dr Marija Cubric
University of Hertfordshire, UK

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