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AI-Tomorrow 2023 : Working Conference on Artificial Intelligence Development for a Resilient and Sustainable Tomorrow


When Jun 29, 2023 - Jun 30, 2023
Where Leipzig
Submission Deadline Apr 1, 2023
Notification Due May 14, 2023
Final Version Due Jun 1, 2023
Categories    AI   smart systems   XAI   HCI/HMI

Call For Papers

Working Conference on Artificial Intelligence Development for a Resilient and Sustainable Tomorrow
Leipzig, Germany
June 29-30, 2023

The first working conference on Artificial Intelligence Development for a Resilient and Sustainable Tomorrow will be organized by the Competence Center KMI in cooperation with several partners. It is part of the Data Week Leipzig ( and will take place from 29th to 30th of June 2023.

= Goal =
The goal of the working conference on Artificial Intelligence Development for a Resilient and Sustainable Tomorrow is to bring researchers together to discuss the environmental, social, and economic impacts of designing, developing, and using AI in Industry 5.0. We place focus on human-centred approaches in AI development; a multidimensional value discussion about impacts and sustainability of AI; measurements for AI values; concrete use cases of AI development (in SME) and its impact. By bringing together experts from various fields, we hope to foster interdisciplinary dialogue and identify opportunities for collaboration and advancement in the responsible development and deployment of AI.

= Topics =
Contributions are invited from multiple and diverse disciplines such as computer sciences, social sciences, law, policy as well as engineering. This wide array of disciplines will allow to fuel both the interdisciplinary nature of the research and the advancement on AI developments and Industry 5.0:

* Digital transformation of organisations or processes trough AI
* Human-centred approaches of AI design & development
* Ethics, security, and trust in algorithms that influence work
* Smart Systems
* AI and multiple value creation
* Future Skills in work with regard to AI
* Sustainable AI Applications and case studies in multiple fields
* Manufacturing and factories of the future
* Health care
* Food and Agriculture
* Crisis and disaster management
* Supply chains
* E-government
* Urban logistics and smart cities
* Energy systems
* Education

= Important Dates =
* Deadline for paper submissions: 01 April 2023
* Paper reviews due: 14 May 2023
* Notification of paper acceptances: 24 May 2023
* Camera-ready paper submissions: 01 June 2023
* Conference: 29th to 30th of June 2023

= Guidelines and Submission =
The conference will be interdisciplinary. We welcome contributions from computer sciences, social sciences, law, policy and engineering to name a few. All submissions will be required to be unpublished and not under review elsewhere. AI-Tomorrow provides a double-blind peer review process for all research papers. Authors may not be named in papers, either explicitly or implicitly (e.g., by a reference to funding in the acknowledgements). The reviewers do not have access to the names of the authors.

Submission via Easychair on

The conference proceedings will be published open access by Springer. Therefore, the LNCS Template should be used:

Papers should be submitted in PDF format ranging from 6 to 10 pages in length, including 10 empty lines right before the references for publishing as open access. In addition, a summary of half a page in German is required. Non-German speakers are welcome to contact us for help.

For details please go to:
In case of any questions please contact

We are looking forward to your contribution!

Kind regards,

AI-Tomorrow Organization Team

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