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S3E 2023 : FedCSIS - Track 5: Software, System and Service Engineering


When Sep 17, 2023 - Sep 20, 2023
Where Warsaw
Submission Deadline May 23, 2023
Notification Due Jul 11, 2023
Final Version Due Jul 31, 2023
Categories    software engineering   system engineering   cyber-physical systems   programming languages

Call For Papers


Track 5: Software, System and Service Engineering (S3E 2023)

Organized within the framework of the Federated Conference on Computer Science and Intelligence Systems (FedCSIS 2023)
(FedCSIS IEEE conference number: #54150, ranked B in CORE)

Warsaw, Poland, 17–20 September, 2023



The S3E track emphasizes the issues relevant to developing and maintaining software systems that behave reliably, efficiently and effectively. This track investigates both established traditional approaches and modern emerging approaches to large software production and evolution.

For decades, it is still an open question in software industry, how to provide fast and effective software process and software services, and how to come to the software systems, embedded systems, autonomous systems, or cyber-physical systems that will address the open issue of supporting information management process in many, particularly complex organization systems. Even more, it is a hot issue how to provide a synergy between systems in common and software services as mandatory component of each modern organization, particularly in terms of IoT, Big Data, and Industry 4.0 paradigms.

In recent years, we are the witnesses of great movements in the area of software, system and service engineering (S3E). Such movements are both of technological and methodological nature. By this, today we have a huge selection of various technologies, tools, and methods in S3E as a discipline that helps in a support of the whole information life cycle in organization systems. Despite that, one of the hot issues in practice is still how to effectively develop and maintain complex systems from various aspects, particularly when software components are crucial for addressing declared system goals, and their successful operation. It seems that nowadays we have great theoretical potentials for application of new and more effective approaches in S3E. However, it is more likely that real deployment of such approaches in industry practice is far behind their theoretical potentials.

The main goal of Track 5 is to address open questions and real potentials for various applications of modern approaches and technologies in S3E so as to develop and implement effective software services in a support of information management and system engineering. We intend to address interdisciplinary character of a set of theories, methodologies, processes, architectures, and technologies in disciplines such as: Software Engineering Methods, Techniques, and Technologies, Cyber-Physical Systems, Lean and Agile Software Development, Design of Multimedia and Interaction Systems, Model Driven Approaches in System Development, Development of Effective Software Services and Intelligent Systems, as well as applications in various problem domains. We invite researchers from all over the world who will present their contributions, interdisciplinary approaches or case studies related to modern approaches in S3E. We express an interest in gathering scientists and practitioners interested in applying these disciplines in industry sector, as well as public and government sectors, such as healthcare, education, or security services. Experts from all sectors are welcomed


* Advanced methodology approaches in S3E – new research and development issues
* Advanced S3E Process Models
* Applications of S3E in various problem domains – problems and lessons learned
* Applications of S3E in Lean Production and Lean Software Development
* Total Quality Management and Standardization for S3E
* Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning methods in advancing S3E approaches
* S3E for Information and Business Intelligence Systems
* S3E for Embedded, Agent, Intelligent, Autonomous, and Cyber-Physical Systems
* S3E for Design of Multimedia and Interaction Systems
* S3E with User Experience and Interaction Design Methods
* S3E with Big Data and Data Science methods
* S3E for Blockchain and IoT Systems
* S3E for Cloud and Service-Oriented Systems
* S3E for Smart Data, Smart Products, and Smart Services World
* S3E in Digital Transformation

Track 5 includes technical sessions:

* Cyber-Physical Systems (10th Workshop IWCPS-10)
* Practical Aspects of and Solutions for Software Engineering (24th Conference KKIO 2023)
* Software Engineering (43rd IEEE Workshop SEW-43)
* Advances in Programming Languages (8th Workshop WAPL 2023)

There is a possibility of selecting extended versions of the best papers presented during the conference for further procedure in the journals: ComSIS, ISI IF(2021) = 1.170, and COLA, ISI IF(2021) = 1.778.


Paper submission (sharp / no extension): May 23, 2023
Position paper submission: June 7, 2023
Author notification: July 11, 2023
Final paper submission and registration: July 31, 2023
Discounted payment: August 15, 2023
Conference date: September 17–20, 2023


To see the submission instructions, please visit:


Ivan Lukovic, University of Belgrade, Serbia
Aleksandar Popovic, University of Montenegro, Podgorica, Montenegro

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