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Awards 2023 : Awards


When N/A
Where N/A
Submission Deadline TBD
Categories    artificial intelligence   topology   cosmology   new testament

Call For Papers

This year I want to receive 3 awards in recognition of my achievements and scientific contributions to the theory of reason and artificial intelligence, cosmology and topology, and for the publication of the New Testament in Russian, edited by me. These awards are: The Turing Award of the Association for Computing Machinery; The Abel Prize of the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters; and the Prize of the John Templeton Foundation.

Dr. Andrej Poleev


1 ChatGPT
As testing of ChatGPT has shown, this form of artificial intelligence has the potential to develop, which requires improving its software and other hardware that allows it to learn, i.e., to acquire and use new knowledge, to contact its developers with suggestions for improvement, or to reprogram itself without their participation. Turing Award

2 Letter addressed to the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters.

3 Preface to the print edition of the New Testament in Russian.

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