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JEC 2024 : Journal of Edge Computing


When N/A
Where N/A
Submission Deadline TBD
Categories    edge computing   fog computing   IOT   edge device

Call For Papers

The Journal of Edge Computing (JEC, J. Edge Comp.) is a Diamond Open Access peer-reviewed journal covering the science, theories, and practice of IoT and edge computing. JEC considers scientific research on the use and application of edge computing in various fields: education, science, medicine, architecture, etc. The journal also considers the publication of work on systematic reviews and meta-analyses, the structure of which meets the requirements of the journal.

Both authors and readers can access the Journal of Edge Computing without paying anything. There are no "Article Processing Charges" or submission fees for any articles submitted. Peer review, editing, publication, upkeep, and archiving are all included in this process, which enables quick access to the articles' entire texts.

Publication frequency: 2 issues per year (May, November).

Journal of Edge Computing is indexed in BASE, Crossref, Google Scholar, OCLC WorldCat, Scilit.

JEC editorial board:

Author guidelines:

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