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SCSSS 2023 : 11th Scandinavian Conference on System and Software Safety


When Oct 20, 2023 - Oct 22, 2023
Where Stockholm, Sweden
Submission Deadline May 10, 2023
Categories    system safety   functional safety

Call For Papers

Call for Presentations: Systems, Software and Safety 2023
System and software safety in electronic systems is becoming increasingly important in many industries and in critical societal infrastructure. The systems become ever more complex, connected and autonomous and the software continues to grow. This poses many challenges even for mature organizations, requiring approaches that go beyond established best practices. Many organizations face the same kind of challenges and thus sharing of experiences becomes essential
The Scandinavian conference on safety critical systems and software has become a central meeting place for Scandinavian safety experts from industry, public and academic organizations. The conference is an opportunity to share experiences and make new contacts. There will be a plenary overview day, and a second day with parallel sessions. The parallel sessions will be in depth workshops and tutorials about different challenges, techniques, standards and methods. As for the previous years, we anticipate a healthy mixture of participants with presentations from different industries and academia.

This year’s keynotes are Nancy Leveson, MIT, John McDermid (to be confirmed), University of York and Lena Kecklund, MTO Säkerhet AB. Nancy Leveson will also give a workshop/tutorial Monday 20 November.
We would like to invite proposals for presentations and workshops on all safety-related topics, e.g., safety in infrastructure, artificial intelligence, electrification of vehicles, agile development, design- and architectural decisions, autonomy, and quality assurance.
You are invited to propose presentations
Call for presentations ends May 10, 2023

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