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Deadline Extended - Call for Chapters 2024 : CFC: TinyML for Edge Intelligence in IoT and LPWAN Networks' to be published by Elsevier


When Mar 20, 2023 - Apr 23, 2023
Where N/A
Submission Deadline Apr 23, 2023
Notification Due Apr 30, 2023
Final Version Due Jun 15, 2023
Categories    machine learning   tinyml   iot/lpwan   computer science

Call For Papers

*****************************Deadline Extended - Call for Book Chapters ****************************

For a Book: 'TinyML for Edge Intelligence in IoT and LPWAN Networks' scheduled to be published by Elsevier in the first quarter of 2024

Recently, Tiny Machine Learning (TinyML) has gained incredible importance due to its capabilities of creating lightweight machine learning (ML) frameworks aiming at low latency, low energy consumption, low bandwidth requirements, improved data security and privacy, and other performance necessities. Each year, billions of battery-operated embedded IoT and low power wide area networks (LPWAN) nodes with very low on-board memory and computational capabilities are getting connected to the Internet. Hence, there is a critical need to have a special computational framework like TinyML. The TinyML is a fast-growing paradigm of ML technologies and applications, covering the algorithms, embedded hardware, and software capable of performing on-device data analytics at ultra-low power. It is getting adopted at a fast pace in commercial applications because of its large number of advantages and capabilities. It is a promising solution for future IoT and LPWAN deployments, and applications. Both the TinyML and LPWANs have evolved in only the last few years. Several researchers have just started researching TinyML for IoT/LPWANs applications. This book will present the evolution, developments, and advances in TinyML, its applications in IoT and LPWANs, and the related use cases. The book will be useful to system engineers, architects, designers, deployment engineers, academicians, researchers, graduate, and undergraduate students in designing TinyML-based ultra-lower power and time-critical applications as per the desired quality of service requirements. It would also help in designing the networks for emerging and future applications with resource-constrained nodes and for further research.

Chapters with research focus are invited on the below topics of interest, but not limited to:

* Ultra-Low Power IoT and LPWANs
* Cloud and Edge Intelligence
* Neural Networks at Edge
* Embedded Systems for Ultra-Low Power Applications
* Energy Optimization
* AI/Neural Microcontrollers
* Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning for Communication Networks
* Data Science for TinyML
* TensorFlow Lite
* TinyML Principles and Algorithms
* TinyML for IoT
* TinyML for LPWANs
* TinyML for 5G
* TinyML Hardware Platforms
* TinyML Software Frameworks
* Security Issues for TinyML
* Network Adaptation
* TinyML Applications and Use Cases: Health, Industrial Automation, Oil and Gas, Automotives, Smart Cities, Environments, and others
* Other Emerging Applications
* Future Directions

Submission Procedure:

Researchers and practitioners are invited to submit a 2 - 3 page chapter proposal by April 15, 2023, to the editors (email address: The proposals should contain the proposed title of the chapter, mission of the chapter, table of contents, full details of authors, their affiliations, and contact details. Authors of provisionally accepted proposals will be notified by April 25, 2023, about the status of their proposals, along with chapter writing guidelines. Full chapters are expected to be submitted by June 15, 2023.

Important Dates:

April 15, 2023: Proposal Submission Deadline
April 25, 2023: Notification of Provisional Acceptance of Proposals
June 15, 2023: Full Chapter Submission (First Draft)
July 30, 2023: Review Result Returned
August 30, 2023: Revised Chapter Submission
September 15, 2023: Final Acceptance Notification
October 10, 2023: Final Chapter Submission
In First Quarter of 2024: Book Publication by Elsevier

For more information, contact the Editor (Bharat Chaudhari,

Dr. Bharat S. Chaudhari
School of Electronics and Communication Engineering
MIT World Peace University
Kothrud, Pune - 411038, India

Dr. Sheetal N. Ghorpade
Rubiscape Pvt. Ltd.
Baner, Pune - 411045, India

Dr. Marco Zennaro
Science, Technology and Innovation Unit
The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics
Trieste, Italy

Dr. Rytis Paškauskas
Science, Technology and Innovation Unit
The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics
Trieste, Italy

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