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KoDis 2023 : Workshop on Knowledge Diversity


When Sep 2, 2023 - Sep 8, 2023
Where Rhodes, Greece
Submission Deadline May 31, 2023
Notification Due Jul 4, 2023
Categories    knowledge representation   logic   belief revision   ontology

Call For Papers

KoDis: Workshop on Knowledge Diversity

Co-located with the 20th International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KR 2023),
September 2-8, 2023 Rhodes, Greece


Workshop paper submission deadline: May 31, 2023 (AOE)
Workshop paper notification: July 4, 2023 (AOE)
Workshop dates: September 2-4, 2023


KoDis intends to create a space of confluence and a forum for discussion for researchers interested in knowledge diversity in a wide sense, including diversity in terms of diverging perspectives, different beliefs, semantic heterogeneity and others. The importance of understanding and handling the different forms of diversity that manifest between knowledge formalisations (ontologies, knowledge bases, or knowledge graphs) is widely recognised and has led to the proposal of a variety of systems of representation, tackling overlapping aspects of this phenomenon.

Besides understanding the phenomenon and considering formal models for the representation of knowledge diversity, we are interested in the variety of reasoning problems that emerge in this context, including reasoning with possibly conflicting sources, interpreting knowledge from alternative viewpoints, consolidating the diversity as uncertainty, reasoning by means of argumentation between the sources and pursuing knowledge aggregations among others. The following is a non-exhaustive list of topics of interest.

- Philosophical and cognitive analysis of knowledge diversity.
- Formal models for the representation of knowledge diversity.
- Ontological approaches capturing multiple perspectives and viewpoints.
- Context and concept formation in such systems.
- Consistency (or not) in multi-perspective systems; assessment and mitigation of inconsistencies.
- Communication between knowledge-diverse systems.
- Argumentation-based approaches for dealing with inconsistency
- Aggregation of diverse or inconsistent knowledge; judgement aggregation.
- Uncertainty in the context of knowledge diversity.
- Applications of formal models of knowledge diversity.


We encourage three types of contributions:

- Full research papers: Submitted papers must not exceed 14 pages excluding the bibliography, and must include an abstract of no more than 300 words. Please, note that the minimum length is 10 pages.

- Short papers: Submitted papers must not exceed 6 pages excluding the bibliography, and must include an abstract of no more than 300 words. Please, note that the minimum length is 5 pages (including the bibliography).

- Extended abstracts (presentation only): should be 2-4 pages long including the bibliography. Please, note that extended abstracts will not be included in the CEUR proceedings.

More information at


Lucía Gómez Álvarez (TU Dresden, Germany) ---- contact:
Rafael Peñaloza (University of Milano-Bicocca, Italy)
Srdjan Vesic (CNRS, France)

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