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IEEE FNWF 2023 : Call for Workshop Proposal Submissions, Submission deadline: 14 April 2023 (Extended), IEEE Future Networks World Forum


When Nov 13, 2023 - Nov 15, 2023
Where Baltimore, MD, USA
Abstract Registration Due Apr 14, 2023
Submission Deadline Jul 21, 2023
Notification Due Sep 1, 2023
Final Version Due Sep 15, 2023
Categories    workshop proposal

Call For Papers

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Call for Workshop Proposal Submissions

2023 IEEE Future Networks World Forum (FNWF’23)
Theme: Imagining the network of the future
13-15 November 2023
Baltimore, MD, USA

Financially co-sponsored by
IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society, IEEE Circuits and Systems Society, IEEE Communications Society, IEEE Electronics Packaging Society, IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Society, IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques Society, IEEE Reliability Society, IEEE Solid-State Circuits Society, and IEEE Vehicular Technology Society.

The 2023 IEEE Future Networks World Forum (FNWF’23) will continue the path set in 2018 by the IEEE 5G World Forum in bringing together experts from industry, academia, and research to exchange their vision as well as their achieved advances in the continuing evolution of network technology, including 5G, 6G, and other innovative cross-domain breakthroughs. Located in Baltimore, USA, IEEE FNWF’23 seeks contributions on how to nurture and cultivate future network technologies and applications for the benefit of society. Workshop, tutorial, industry forum, and demonstration proposals and original, innovative, and high-quality papers are solicited on the technical topics of Future Networks.

IEEE FNWF’23 will host a series of workshop featuring topics relevant to the future networks community on the latest research, engineering, standards, and business issues. These workshops should provide a venue to present and discuss the state-of-the-art research in both academia and industry on special, novel, challenging, and emerging topics. Workshops typically include a mix of regular and invited presentations based on regular and invited papers, and invited presentations and panels to facilitate highly interactive sessions. It is expected that the organizers will be able to attract a good number of paper submissions (there need to be at least four accepted papers for a 2-hour session and eight accepted papers for a 4-hour session). The workshop proposals should be submitted by the prospective organizer(s) who will promote their workshop’s Call for Papers and manage the program.

The proposal should include the following information (within a maximum of five pages):
• Workshop title
• Length of the session (2 hours or 4 hours)
• Name(s) of workshop organizer(s)
• Email of the contact person
• A brief biography (no more than 200 words per person) of the organizer(s)
• Brief description of the workshop, including abstract, scope, outline, importance, and timeliness
• Planned format of the session, including projected number of paper presentations, invited presentations/keynotes, and/or panels within the given timeframe if any
• Potential participants, including program committee members and invited speakers
• Related topics
• Prior history of past editions of the session, if any, including the number of submitted and accepted papers, the number of attendees, etc.
• A draft of the Call for Papers

Accepted events must follow IEEE academic best practices regarding peer reviews and paper publication. The papers submitted to the workshops will be reviewed and aligned with the same criteria of the main tracks according to the overall framework set out by the FNWF'23 Technical Program Committee. Accepted and presented papers will be added to IEEE Xplore and the conference proceedings.

The workshop proposal should be submitted as a single PDF file online via EDAS.
EDAS submission link:

Workshop Proposal Submission: 14 April 2023 (Extended)
Workshop Proposal Acceptance Notification: Rolling basis
Workshop Paper Submission: 21 July 2023
Workshop Paper Acceptance Notification: 1 September 2023
Camera-Ready Submission: 15 September 2023

More details are provided on the IEEE FNWF 2023 website:

Mohammad Patwary, University of Wolverhampton, UK
Alireza Ghasempour, University of Applied Science and Technology, Iran
Rasheed Hussain, University of Bristol, UK
Hina Tabassum, York University, Canada

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