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OC-CO 2023 : In(e)motion - Meeting for sound, music and musical instrument studies Organological Congress


When Jul 21, 2023 - Jul 24, 2023
Where Coimbra
Submission Deadline Jun 20, 2023
Categories    music   sound   INSTRUMENT   acoustic

Call For Papers

11th International Scientific Meeting for Sound, Music and Musical Instrument Studies



In-motion, with emotion: the belief in Art, Science and Knowledge.

Topics that we particularly welcome to forward and debate, in this Organological Congress 2023:
-acoustics of instruments and space
-technology in the service of music
-musical instruments and their influence in the compositional styles
-reflections on wave equations
-time and space dimensions
-past and future of sound production
-ethnological diversity
-anthropological considerations about the evolution of music and sound tools
-biological interface (our body and sound production and perception)
-music and sound at the service of psychology and vice-versa
-the role of medicine in the ergonomic construction of musical instruments
-museums' difficulties and solutions

ANIMUSIC, with the Association Museum of Music of Coimbra, is promoting another special gathering from the 21st to the 24th of July. In 2023, we are having (confirmed) national and international guests, with topics that go from ethnological marvels to the upfront of technology, with Artificial Intelligence. We are delving in some of the “shadowed” aspects of acoustics, particularly in the construction of auditoriums, and the psychological strength of musical performance, all in relation to sound, music, and musical instruments.
Moreover, an Exhibition of a singular collection, with some unique banjos and new inventions, will be shown at one of the emblematic buildings by a renown Portuguese architect, in the “Green Park” (yes, the dinner shall be served looking at the sunset over the river).
A strong highlight is the visit to the Seminario Maior (18th century); besides the splendid building which we shall visit, it has a fabulous organ in a circular, and extraordinary in many ways, church (we try to show with the pictures and a short improvised video at the website). Following Dr Paulo Bernardino, for us certainly at the summit of the Portuguese organists, we will then go to one of the oldest universities of the world (1290), and visit the superb baroque organ there. We shall enjoy mesmerizing performances in these organs, as well as piano solo at the Convent of S. Francisco (from the Municipality) with the front-rank virtuoso Toni James, the Scottish Voices, lead by our favorite friend composer, Professor Graham Hair (Australia), and the amazing art of the musicians from Coimbra.

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