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workshop DT4BH 2023 : Last Minute for Participation to Int. Workshop on Digital Tools for Built Heritage Diagnosis and Monitoring (DT4BH)


When Apr 19, 2023 - Apr 20, 2023
Where Hôtel Dupanloup (Orléans, France)
Submission Deadline Mar 20, 2023
Categories    DIGITAL   heritage building   preservation   HBIM

Call For Papers

Recent advances in 3D scanning technologies of buildings, combined with their progressive appropriation by an increasing number of users, make it possible today to consider the systematic production of data for historic buildings. Processing of these large amounts of multimodal data is essential for the monitoring and the diagnosis of built heritage. Thus, Historic Building Information Modelling (HBIM) appears today as a promising and critical strategy for making the best of the collected data.

However, due to the specificity of historic constructions (large-scale, complex and/or non-standardized architecture/materials/construction process, specific applications for monitoring), HBIM still faces challenges before being fully operational. This scientific event proposes to address these challenges by sharing the latest research in this field.

The objective of this event is to gather an interdisciplinary community around the growing use of digital tools for the monitoring and the diagnosis of built heritage: to identify the scientific and technological challenges as well as opportunities for relevant applications.

This workshop is organised in the framework of the Advanced Technology Higher Education Network Alliance (ATHENA European University)

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