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Artificial Intelligence Testing 2023 : Artificial Intelligence Testing


When Jul 17, 2023 - Jul 20, 2023
Where Harokopio University of Athens , Thiseos
Submission Deadline TBD

Call For Papers

The 5th IEEE International Conference on Artificial Intelligence Testing (AITEST 2023) covers topics such as:

Methodologies for testing, verification and validation of AI applications
Testing AI applications
Tools and environment for automated and semi-automated software testing AI applications for various testing activities and management of testing resources
Techniques for testing AI applications
Applications of AI techniques to software testing
Specific concerns of software testing with various specific types of AI technologies and AI applications
Constraint Programming for test case generation and test suite reduction
Machine learning applications to software testing, such as test case generation, test effectiveness prediction and optimization, test adequacy improvement, test cost reduction, etc
Crowdsourcing and swarm intelligence in software testing
Constraint Scheduling and Optimization for test case prioritization and test execution scheduling
Data quality evaluation for AI applications
Genetic algorithms, search-based techniques and heuristics to optimization of testing
Quality assurance for unstructured training data
Automatic data validation tools
Techniques for testing deep neural network learning, reinforcement learning and graph learning
Large-scale unstructured data quality certification
The 5th IEEE International Conference on Artificial Intelligence Testing (AITEST 2023) will be held in Kallithea on 17-20 July 2023.

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