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Shanghai-CCEAI 2024 : 2024 8th International Conference on Control Engineering and Artificial Intelligence (CCEAI 2024) | |||||||||
Link: https://www.cceai.org/ | |||||||||
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Call For Papers | |||||||||
Call for Paper
2024 8th International Conference on Control Engineering and Artificial Intelligence (CCEAI 2024) Jan. 26-28, 2024 | Shanghai, China Web: https://www.cceai.org/ 2024 8th International Conference on Control Engineering and Artificial Intelligence (CCEAI 2024)is co-organized by School of Computer Science, Fudan University and Asia Pacific Institute of Science and Engineering(APISE), and will be held in Shanghai, China during Jan. 26-28, 2024. We warmly welcome prospective authors to submit their new research or technological contributions to CCEAI 2024, for sharing valuable experiences with scientists and students from around the world. ●Publication and Indexing 1) All the registered and presented papers will be included in the ACM International Conference Proceedings Series (ISBN: 979-8-4007-0797-1) (online publishing), the publisher will submit articles to Engineering Village, Scopus, Web of Science and other databases for review and indexing after publication. 2)Selected papers with great extension will be recommended to publish in international journal. CCEAI 2023/2022/2021/2020/2019/2018/2017 Indexed by EI Compendex, Scopus! ●Speakers Prof. Jie Huang, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, S.A.R, China Jie Huang studied Power Engineering at Fuzhou University from 1977 to 1979 and Circuits and Systems at Nanjing University of Science and Technology (NUST) from 1979 to 1982 for a Master degree. He completed his Ph.D. study in automatic control at Johns Hopkins University in 1990. After a year with Johns Hopkins University as a postdoctoral fellow and four years with industry in USA, he joined the Department of Mechanical and Automation Engineering, the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) in September 1995, and is now Choh-Ming Li Research Professor of Mechanical and Automation Engineering. He was a “State Specially Recruited Expert” of China, served as a Science Advisor to the Leisure and Cultural Services Department of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, Honorary Advisor to Hong Kong Science Museum, and Chairman of the Department of Mechanical and Automation Engineering, CUHK. His research interests include nonlinear control, networked multi-agent systems control, game theory, and guidance and control of flight vehicles. He has authored/co-authored four monographs and over 400 papers. Jie Huang has received several awards such as Outstanding Contribution Award by Technical Committee of Control Theory, China Association of Automation, in 2015, China State Natural Science Award, second prize, in 2010, Croucher Senior Research Fellowship award in 2006, and Changjiang Professor Award in 2002. He was elected HKIE Fellow in 2017, CAA Fellow in 2010, IFAC Fellow in 2009, and IEEE Fellow in 2005, and is now a life fellow of IEEE. Prof. Lihua Xie, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore Lihua Xie received the B.E. and M.E. degrees in electrical engineering from Nanjing University of Science and Technology in 1983 and 1986, respectively, and the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from the University of Newcastle, Australia, in 1992. Since 1992, he has been with the School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore, where he is currently Professor and Director of $25M National Research Foundation Medium Sized Centre for Advanced Robotics Technology Innovation (CARTIN) and Co-Director, Delta-NTU Corporate Laboratory for Cyber-Physical Systems which received $45M funding from National Research Foundation of Singapore, Delta Electronics and NTU, and has over 100 researchers including 20 professors, 51 research staff and 30 PhD students. He served as the Head of Division of Control and Instrumentation from July 2011 to June 2014 and the Director, Center for E-City from July 2011 to June 2013. He held teaching appointments in the Department of Automatic Control, Nanjing University of Science and Technology from 1986 to 1989. Dr. Xie’s research interests include robust control, networked control systems, multi-agent networks, indoor positioning, human activity recognition and unmanned systems. He has published 9 books, over 500 journal papers, 380 conference papers, and 20 patents/Technical Disclosures. He has been listed as a highly cited researcher (SCI: 27400, H-index: 79; Google Scholar: 44,600, H-index: 103) by Thomson Routers and Clarivate Analytics annually since 2014. He has secured a total research grant of over 90 million Singapore dollars as programme and project PI, and graduated 38 PhD students. He has received many awards for his research including IBM Faculty Award, Changjiang Scholar Award from Ministry of Education of China, and best paper awards at 8 international conferences such as the Guan Zhao Zhi Award from the 29th and 39th Chinese Control Conference (CCC) both of which had over 2000 participants, 7th Asia Control Conference (ASCC), 18th International Conference on Advanced Robotics (ICAR 2017), etc. Prof. Rongrong Ji, Xiamen University, China R. Ji is a Nanqiang Distinguished Professor at Xiamen University, the Deputy Director of the Office of Science and Technology at Xiamen University, and the Director of Media Analytics and Computing Lab. He was awarded as the National Science Foundation for Excellent Young Scholars (2014), the National Ten Thousand Plan for Young Top Talents (2017), and the National Science Fundation for Distinguished Young Scholars (2020). His research falls in the field of computer vision, multimedia analysis, and machine learning. He has published 50+ papers in ACM/IEEE Transactions, including TPAMI and IJCV, and 100+ full papers on top-tier conferences, such as CVPR and NeurIPS. His publications have got over 20K citations in Google Scholar. He was the recipient of the Best Paper Award of ACM Multimedia 2011. He has served as Area Chairs in top-tier conferences such as CVPR and ACM Multimedia. He is also an Advisory Member for Artificial Intelligence Construction in the Electronic Information Education Commitee of the National Ministry of Education. ●Topics(for more topics: http://www.cceai.org/cfp.html) Artificial Intelligence AI Algorithms; Artificial Intelligence Tools & Applications; Bioinformatics; Natural Language Processing; CAD Design & Testing; Computer Vision and Speech Understanding; Data Mining and Machine Learning Tools; Fuzzy Logic; Heuristic and AI Planning Strategies and Tools; Computational Theories of Learning; Hybrid Intelligent Systems; Information Retrieval; Intelligent System Architectures;Knowledge Representation; Knowledge-based Systems; Multimedia & Cognitive Informatics; Neural Networks; Parallel Processing; Pattern Recognition ; Pervasive Computing and Ambient Iintelligence; Programming Languages; Reasoning and Evolution; Recent Trends and Developments; Semantic Web Techniques and Technologies; Soft Computing Theory and Applications; Software and Hardware Architectures; Web Intelligence Applications and Search; Control and Automation Adaptive Control; Automated Guided Vehicles; Control Theory and Application; Control Theory and Applications Optoelectronics; Estimation and Identification; Factory Modeling and Automation; Fault Detection; Flexible Manufacturing Systems; Fuzzy and Neural Systems; Industrial Process Control; Instruments and Vibration Control; Intelligent and AI Based Control; Intelligent Automation;Man-machine Interactions; Manufacturing Control and Automation Engineering; Material Processing and Control; Modeling of Complex Systems; Process Automation; Process Control & Instrumentation; Real-time Systems; Sensor Networks and Networked Control; Robotics; Mechatronics; ●Paper Submission Submission Email: cceai@apise.org Electronic submission system: https://cmt3.research.microsoft.com/CCEAI2024 ●Notice 1) Abstract Submission( Only for presenting research at conference, without publishig any paper): You only need to submit the title and abstract of your speech; Length: 250-350 words; 2) Full Paper Submission( Publishing paper in the conference proceeding as well as presenting it at conference): You need to submit full paper for review; 3) Paper accepted for publication in the Proceedings MUST be presented during the conference; 4) Manuscripts must be written in English; 5) The manuscript should be written in accordance with the standard of template; 6) The paper should be no less than 8 pages; 7) The topics of paper should be relevant to conference topics; 8) Plagiarism and Duplicate submission are prohibited; 9) Innovation and scientific value is a must. ●Call for participants 1,Presenter: If you are interested in giving presentation on conference, without publishing your paper in the proceeding, you need to submit the abstract and title of your presentation to us:cceai@apise.org 2,Listener: You are welcome to attend this great event. You need to complete the registration as Listener before the registration dealdine. 3,Reviewer: We sincerely welcome professors, associate professors, teachers and other experts in the areas of Control Engineering and Artificial Intelligence join the conference as a reviewer. ●Contact Us Ms. Yu Email: cceai@apise.org Tel: +852-30506939 (HK)/+86-17723329879 (mainland of China) Web: http://www.cceai.org/ |