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IDEAL 2023 : 24th International Conference on Intelligent Data Engineering and Automated Learning


Conference Series : Intelligent Data Engineering and Automated Learning
When Nov 22, 2023 - Nov 24, 2023
Where Évora, Portugal
Submission Deadline Jul 29, 2023
Notification Due Aug 31, 2023
Final Version Due Sep 25, 2023
Categories    data mining   machine learning   big data   neural networks

Call For Papers

The International Conference on Intelligent Data Engineering and Automated Learning (IDEAL) is an annual international conference dedicated to emerging and challenging topics in intelligent data analytics and associated learning systems and paradigms. Following the recent successful events: IDEAL2022 (hybrid) Manchester, IDEAL2021 (virtual), IDEAL2020 in Guimarães (virtual), IDEAL2019 in Manchester, and IDEAL 2018 in Madrid, the 24rd edition, IDEAL2023 will be taking place in Évora, Portugal. Its core themes or topics include, but not limited to:

* Big Data Analytics
* Machine Learning & Deep Learning
* Data Mining
* Information Retrieval and Management
* Bio and Neuro-Informatics
* Bio-Inspired Models
* Agents and Hybrid Intelligent Systems
* Real-world Applications of Intelligent Techniques
* Special Sessions & Workshops

You are welcome to submit a proposal for a Special Session or Workshop on a focused, active or emerging topic in the scope of IDEAL.

Instructions for authors

Authors are invited to submit their manuscripts (in pdf format) written in English by the deadline via the conference online submission system (Easychair - see below). All submissions will be peer-reviewed by experts in the field based on originality, significance, quality and clarity. All contributions must be original, must not have been published elsewhere, and must not have been submitted elsewhere during the review period. Papers should normally be within 9 pages (including references) but must not exceed 12 pages, and must comply with the format of Springer LNCS/LNAI Proceedings (see

Short Papers
To encourage emerging results and novel initial developments, especially from PhD students and young researchers, we accept short papers (within 6 LNCS pages). Short papers can be submitted a week after the deadline. Such papers will also go through our vigorous peer-review process for its novelty and soundness with a quicker turn-around time. Although short papers are mainly for the main track, they can be submitted to any relevant Special Session too (information will be available). The submission system will treat any paper that is within 6 pages as short papers and PC chairs will ensure a speedy review of them.

Paper submission for IDEAL 2023 is via Easychair:

Call for Workshops and Special Sessions

Special Sessions

In addition to the regular sessions, there will be a few special sessions devoted to emerging topics and areas with growing attention - details of approved Special Sessions are given in IDEAL 2023 website. If researchers and prospective organizers are interested in proposing another Special Session, please submit a one-page proposal until July 25, to IDEAL Programme Co-Chairs [,], including the following information:
* The title of the special session;
* The organizers with their affiliations;
* A description of why the topic is of special interest and how it fits to the scope of IDEAL.
Each special session preferably consists of four or more presentations. Special sessions receiving less than 4 accepted papers will be merged into the main track.

Best Paper Awards

IDEAL 2023 will be awarding Best Papers awards in several categories, sponsored by Springer and IEEE CIS UK & Ireland Chapter.

Journal Special Issues

Authors of all selected accepted papers will be invited to submit an extended and improved version for consideration for Special Issue in several journals - details to follow on the website.

Partners and Co-Sponsors

IDEAL 2023 is organised by the University of Évora, technically co-sponsored by the IEEE CIS UK & Ireland Chapter. The publication partner is Springer.

Organising Committees

General Co-chairs:
Paulo Quaresma, University of Évora, Portugal
David Camacho, Technical University of Madrid, Spain
Hujun Yin, The University of Manchester, UK

Programme Chairs:
Teresa Gonçalves, University of Évora, Portugal
Vicente Julian, Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain
Antonio Tallón-Ballesteros, University of Huelva, Spain

Special Session Chairs:
Vítor Beires Nogueira, University of Évora, Portugal
Fernando Nuñez Hernandez, University of Seville, Spain
Susana Nascimento, NOVA University of Lisbon, Portugal

Related Resources

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