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ICIT 2023 : 2023 2nd International Conference on Intelligence of things


When Oct 25, 2023 - Oct 27, 2023
Where Ho Chi Minh City
Submission Deadline TBD
Categories    IOTS   intelligent system

Call For Papers

2023 2nd International Conference on Intelligence of things (ICIT 2023)
Technically Co-Sponsored by Springer
October 25 - October 27, 2023, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

- Manuscript submission: April 30, 2023
- Notification of acceptance: June 30, 2023
- Camera-ready submission: July 15, 2023
- Conference date: October 25 - October 27, 2023

The International Conference on Intelligence of things (ICIT) is an International Conference on the current state of technology and the outcome of ongoing research in the area of the Internet of things, the intelligence of things (IoT2/AIoT), and related fields of Information Technology, technically sponsored by Springer. After the first successful organization, the 2nd ICIT 2023 continues to be organized by Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology (HCMUT), Hanoi University of Mining and Geology (HUMG), Vietnam National University of Agriculture (VNUA), Ho Chi Minh City Open University, and Quy Nhon University. ICIT 2023 will be hosted by Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology (HCMUT) in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam from October 25 to October 27, 2023.

Accepted and presented papers will be published by Springer in series Lecture Notes on Data Engineering and Communications Technologies, indexed by SCOPUS.
We would like to invite you to contribute your original work on topics in the following, but not limited to, tracks and special sessions:

Track 1: Internet of Things Applications
- Smart Cities, Smart Public Places, and Smart Environments
- Smart Home, and IoT-based Building Automation
- Smart Agriculture and Water Management
- Smart factories and Industry 4.0
- E-Health, Assisted Living and e-Wellness
- Wearables, Body Sensor Networks, Smart Portable Devices
- Automotive, Intelligent Transport Systems
- IoT-based Supply Chains
- Smart Grid, Energy Management
- Industrial IoT Service Creation and Management Aspects
- Crowd-sensing, human-centric sensing
- Internet of things ecosystem
- Security and surveillance systems
- AIoT and Big Data in Earth Observation
- AIoT and Big Data to Climate Change and Sustainable Development

Track 2: Connectivity for Internet of things
- 5G/6G Networks and IoT
- IoT Protocols and Standards (IPv6, 6LoWPAN, RPL, 6TiSCH, WoT, oneM2M, etc.)
- Heterogeneous Networks, Web of Things, Web of Everything
- Sensor and Actuator Networks
- Software Defined Network (SDN), Network Function Virtualization (NFV) and IoT
- Machine to Machine (M2M)/Devices-to-Devices communications and IoT
- Edge Computing, Fog Computing and IoT
- Routing and Control Protocols
- Named Data Networking for IoT
- Internet of vehicles (IoV) networks and systems
- Unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) communications
- Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV) communications
- Semantic communications for IoT

Track 3: Internet of Things Technologies
- IoT Architectures and Technologies
- Ultra-low power IoT Technologies and Embedded Systems Architectures
- Sensors Data Management, IoT Mining and Analytics
- Resource Management, Access Control
- Mobility, Localization and Management Aspects
- Identity Management and Object Recognition
- Localization Technologies
- IoT-Enabled Smart Cities- Network Virtualization
- Network Programmability
- Cloud Computing Services
- Network Measurements
- Multi/Many-core Architectures and Applications
- High-Performance Computing
- Hardware Accelerator Computing
- Other topics in IoTs & Networking Management

Track 4: Internet of Things Security and Privacy
- IoT Privacy, data protection and Security Concerns
- IoT Privacy and Security Tests, Certification, and Labelling
- Security and Data protection risk analysis and mitigation
- Identification and Authentication Issues
- Wireless Sensor Network for IoT Security
- Intrusion Detection in IoT
- Cryptography, Key Management, Authentication and Authorization for IoT
- Physical/MAC/Network Attacks in Internet of Things
- Cross-layer Attacks in IoT
- Security with QoS Optimization in IoT
- Privacy based Channel Access in IoT
- Big Data and Information Integrity in IoT
- Communication Security in IoT
- IoT and blockchain

Track 5: Intelligence systems
- Knowledge representation in IoT
- Natural Language Processing in IoT
- Big data and IoT Data Analytics
- Cognitive aspects of AI in IoTs
- Fuzzy systems for IoT
- Neural Networks for IoT
- Nature Inspired algorithms for IoT
- Agent-based algorithms for IoT
- AI/ML-based IoT for image and video analysis
- AI/ML-enhanced IoT for anomaly detection
- AI/ML-powered IoT for predictive performance optimization
- AI/ML-powered IoT solutions for healthcare
- AI/ML-enabled IoT solutions for home automation

Authors are invited to submit their manuscripts electronically as PDF files through EDAS system at
All manuscripts have to be formatted according to the templates provided by Springer ( and submitted in a single PDF. The maximum length of a manuscript is up to 10 pages.

Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering
HCMC University of Technology
Building A3, 268 Ly Thuong Kiet Street, District 10
HCMC, Vietnam
Phone: (+84-28) 38647256 (ext.:5847)

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