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When Jul 17, 2023 - Jul 20, 2023
Where Sherbrooke, Québec, Canada
Submission Deadline May 27, 2023
Categories    natural language processing   knowledge management   process mining   legal informatics

Call For Papers

2nd International Workshop on


Co-located with the 13th International Conference on Formal Ontology in Information Systems (FOIS 2023) - July 17-20, 2023 in Sherbrooke, Québec, Canada

Workshop website:


The Knowledge Management and process mining for Law (KM4LAW) workshop intends to be a forum to focus on legal informatics from a broad perspective.

This workshop focuses on the wide-ranging topic of AI, KM, IE, and PM methods in the legal informatics and legal-linguistics fields. AI & Law involves a variety of sub-domains, including ontologies, argumentation, legal design, legal prediction, network analysis, and neural networks.

The challenging task of automatically extracting knowledge in textual documents has traditionally been addressed by NLP techniques. Given the complexity and vagueness of legal sources, extracted knowledge can be formalised into ontological models for many purposes, including access to rights and understandability of requirements in administrative procedures.

The analysis of legal event logs can be developed through the adoption of Process Mining (PM) techniques, which allow the discovery of procedures from real data, to verify the regulatory compliance of procedures, for application monitoring and prediction techniques about the events of a legal case.

We welcome contributions related to digital justice and digital law in general, as well as considering modelling and conceptualization features.
Potential topics are:
- Legal ontologies, visual law, legal design, and correlated themes
- (Multilingual) Thesauri, vocabularies, and taxonomies in the legal area
- Entity Recognition and Disambiguation
- Training and Using Embeddings for legal text
- Computational models of argumentation for legal data
- Knowledge Base Population
- Question Answering, Dialogue and Discourse Analysis, Query Understanding
- Link Analysis, Relation and Event Extraction
- Combining Legal Text with Structured Data
- Legal Text Summarization and Generation
- Emerging applications in legal data & knowledge engineering
- Natural language processing techniques and systems for legal documents
- Identification of legal semantic roles and extraction of named entities
- Automated knowledge extraction from legal text corpora
- Experimental results using and adapting NLP methods for legal data
- Information retrieval and multimedia search for legal documents
- Process mining for legal compliance
- Mining legal event logs for process discovery
- Predictive process monitoring on legal cases
- Multilingual alignments, retrieval, extraction and analysis of legal sources
- Linked data and knowledge graphs in the legal domain
- Classification or clustering of law
- Domain-Specific Visual Modeling Language (DSVML) and law

Authors are invited to submit original, previously unpublished research papers. Papers should be written in English. All papers must be converted to PDF prior to electronic submission.
Papers' template CEUR-ART, 1-column style (please use Latex):

We accept two kinds of contributions:
- short paper [ between 5 to 9 pages long ]
- regular paper [ between 10 to 14 pages long ]

At least one author of each accepted paper must register and participate in the workshop.

Submissions should be made via Easychair through the following submission page: [ select “KM4Law workshop” track ]

- Deadline to submit Papers to Workshops: May 27 2023 [EXTENDED]
- Acceptance of Papers for Workshops: June 10, 2023
- Provide camera ready versions: June 30, 2023 (strict)
- Workshop at FOIS 2023 days: TBD within FOIS 2023 (July 17-20, 2023)

WORKSHOP ORGANIZERS (in alphabetical order)
Davide Audrito, University of Bologna (Italy)
Luigi Di Caro, University of Turin (Italy)
Francesca Grasso, University of Turin (Italy)
Roberto Nai, University of Turin (Italy)
Emilio Sulis, University of Turin (Italy)

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