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MarketsandMarkets Event 2023 : 8th Annual MarketsandMarkets High Potent Medicines Conference


When May 24, 2023 - May 25, 2023
Where Milan, Italy
Submission Deadline May 24, 2023
Notification Due May 24, 2023
Final Version Due May 24, 2023
Categories    healthcare   biotechnology

Call For Papers

One of the major challenges faced by the players in this market, especially CMOs that offer HPAPI manufacturing services, is the continual evolution of industry standards, technologies, and regulations.

Owing to their target release characteristics, HPAPIs find major applications in target therapies for cancer. Globally, there is a significant growth in the incidence of cancer. Diseases like musculoskeletal diseases, glaucoma, and specifically cancer have a significant impact on the health status of people worldwide, with comparatively higher growth rates in developing countries.

Conference Registration:

The 8th Annual MarketsandMarkets High Potent Medicines Conference is to be held on 24th - 25th May 2023 in Milan, Italy. This conference would address the challenges in the continual evolution of industry standards, technologies, and regulations. Leading experts from the industry will discuss the strategies for both in-house manufacturing and outsourcing by presenting expert keynote presentations, live case studies and breakthrough panel discussions.

To know more details about the combined packages and offers at the Co-located events write to us at

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