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JIPM 2023 : Evidence based policy making for science and technology


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Submission Deadline Sep 30, 2023
Final Version Due Dec 31, 2023
Categories    policy making   science and technology   evidence   management

Call For Papers

Iranian Journal of Information Processing and Management


Evidence based policy making for science and technology

Guest Editor of special issue: Dr. Leila Namdarian



In the field of science and technology (S&T) policy-making, "evidence-based policy-making" has been proposed against "opinion-based policy-making". A change from the old policy-making method with ideological origin (opinion-based policy-making) to evidence-based policy-making has been created as a result of very important developments. One of these developments is the growth of educated and aware population that actively seeks the economic and social effects of S&T in various fields. The premise of evidence-based policymaking is that by collecting extensive and quality information about an issue, converting it into meaningful knowledge, and disseminating it among policymakers, better decisions can be made about issues. Today, the importance of using evidence including data and information, statistics (official/informal), expert views, and the results of systematic research in formulating science, technology and innovation policies has drawn the attention of policymakers to the approach of "evidence-based policy making". By putting the best evidence at the heart of policy development, evidence-based policymaking helps to formulate more informed policies, carry out policy reforms, recognize the failures of policy programs, rationally choose and implement policy options in the field of science, technology and innovation. So far, several models for evidence-based policymaking have been proposed. Along with these models, techniques and methods such as technology foresight, technology forecasting, and technology evaluation have been introduced as strategic intelligence tools that play a significant role in providing the evidence needed for S&T policymaking. In many developing countries, how to use evidence in national S&T policies is not properly explained.

List of topic areas:

Due to the importance of this issue, this special issue aims to pay attention to the evidence-based policy approach from various aspects and to promote this concept among S&T researchers and policymakers. Undoubtedly, the participation of researchers provides significant insight in this field. This special issue addresses but is not limited to the following topics for those interested in submitting their articles to us for publication.

· Models and theoretical foundations of evidence-based policymaking;

· Characteristics of evidence needed for effective S&T policy making;

· Evaluation of science, technology and innovation and policy making;

· Effectiveness of S&T research and policy making;

· Institutional analyzes in the context of evidence-based S&T policy making;

· Drivers and obstacles of evidence-based S&T policymaking process;

· Case studies in the field of evidence-based S&T policymaking;

· Ethics in S&T policy making;

· Technology foresight and S&T policymaking;

· Economic management and S&T policy making;

· Technology roadmap and policy making;

· Technology intelligence and policy making;

· The government and the challenges of evidence-based S&T policymaking (including the interaction between scientists and statesmen);

· The position of universities and research institutes in S&T policymaking;

· The position of science and technology parks and Knowledge-based Companies in evidence-based policy making;

· Criticism of S&T policymaking;

· R&D funding;

· Research visibility.

Reviews and Quality Assurance: Each submission will be evaluated by the Editor and those recognized as out of scope will be desk rejected. The remaining submissions will be evaluated by at least two reviewers. After being reviewed, the submissions will receive an acceptance email message.

Submission link: click here

Reviewers: Reviewers will be selected based on their relevant expertise.

Template and Style: Each submission is expected to be between 6,500 to 8,500 words including references, tables and figures, and excluding appendices. The submissions must follow the style manual of the Iranian Journal of Information Processing and Management for this special issue: click here

Opening date: 1 February 2023

Closing date for manuscripts submission: 30 September 2023

Final manuscript decisions: 31 December, 2023

Editor Biography: Leila Namdarian has a PhD in science and technology policy, graduated in 2014 from Tarbiat Modares University. She began her scientific experience in 2015 as a faculty member in IranDoc. Now she is an associate professor of Information Policy Research Group. Her efforts have mainly devoted to science and technology policy and foresight. Her research interests include scientometrics, science audit, science and technology policy, strategic planning, national innovation system, strategic information system, IT governance, Knowledge management.

About journal:

- Indexing Database: Scopus, LISTA, ISC

- Publisher: Iranian Research Institute for Information science and Technology (IranDoc)

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