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GUA-SPA at IberLEF 2023 2023 : GUA-SPA - Guarani-Spanish Code Switching Analysis at IberLEF 2023


When Sep 26, 2023 - Jan 1, 2000
Where IberLEF 2023 - Jaen, Spain
Submission Deadline Jun 6, 2023
Categories    shared task   NLP   code switching

Call For Papers

*** Call for Participation for GUA-SPA at IberLEF 2023 ***

GUA-SPA - Guarani-Spanish Code Switching Analysis at IberLEF 2023

News: The training dataset has just been released, and you can send submissions to the development phase!

Guarani is a South American indigenous language that has been in contact with Spanish and other Indo-European languages for about 500 years, which has resulted in many interesting varieties with different levels of mixture. In Paraguay, according to the most recent census, most of the population of the country speak at least some Guarani, and there is a high prevalence of Guarani-Spanish bilingualism. Bilingual speakers often make use of the two languages at the same time, mixing them in different ways, in a phenomenon called code-switching. We propose a challenge for analyzing code-switched texts in Guarani and Spanish, trying to identify the language used in each span of text, the named entities mentioned in the text, and the way Spanish is used. For this, we will provide a corpus of news and tweets where each token is labeled with an appropriate language or category identifier.

Three tasks are presented:
* Language identification in code-switched data: identify each token in the text as Guarani, Spanish, mix, named entity, or other categories.
* Named entity classification: classify the named entities found in the text as locations, organizations or people.
* Spanish code classification: classify the spans in Spanish as code changes or unadapted loans.

How to participate:
If you want to participate in this task, please join our Codalab competition:

Important Dates:
* March 22nd, 2023: training and development set. Development phase begins.
* May 24th, 2023: test set and open for submissions. Evaluation phase begins.
* June 7th, 2023: evaluation phase ends. Publication of results.
* June 14th, 2023: paper submission.
* June 28th, 2023: notification of acceptance.
* July 3rd, 2023: camera-ready paper submission.
* September 26th, 2023: IberLEF 2023 Workshop.

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