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LoReTra 2023 : Workshop on Logic Representation of Traffic Rules | |||||||||||||||
Link: https://www.rechtsinformatik.saarland/en/loretra-icail-23 | |||||||||||||||
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Call For Papers | |||||||||||||||
Call for Papers
Workshop on Logic Representation of Traffic Rules (LoReTra) in conjunction with ICAIL 2023 The 19th International Conference on Artificial Inteligence and Law https://www.rechtsinformatik.saarland/en/loretra-icail-23 Motivation ----------------- Using symbolic logic to formalise legal norms is one of the most traditional goals of legal informatics as a scientific discipline. More than mere theoretical value, this approach is also connected to promising real-world applications involving, e.g., the observance of legal norms by highly automated machines or even the (partial) automatisation of legal reasoning, leading to new automated legal services. Albeit the long research tradition on the use of logic to formalise legal norms – be it by using classic logic systems (e.g., first-order logic), be it by attempting to construct a specific system of logic of norms (e.g., deontic logic) –, many challenges involved in the development of an adequate methodology for the formalisation of concrete legal regulations remain unsolved. This includes not only the choice of a sufficiently expressive formal language or model, but also the concrete way through which a legal text formulated in natural language is to be translated into the formal representation. The workshop LoReTra seeks to explore the various challenges connected with the task of using formal languages and models to represent legal norms, at the example of traffic rules, in a machine-readable manner, and reasoning with such formalizations, e.g., in autonomous driving. Topics ----------------- LoReTra seeks to discuss current research questions concerning (among others): - Knowledge representation methods applicable to legal norms (in particular traffic rules), including different types of (deontic) logic or comparable formalisms - Formalisation of and reasoning with rule-exceptions, rule-conflicts and/or contrary-to-duty obligations - Formalisation of abstract legal concepts and basic principles of law (e.g., "human dignity", "mutual respect", "care", "danger", "trust") - Models and approaches to the practical implementation of law-formalisations (e.g., (legal) ontologies, LegalRuleML, PROLEG, reasoning engines, SAT-solvers) - Models and approaches - including automated methods - to adequately 'translate' legal provisions (especially traffic rules) from natural language to a formal symbolism - Legal and/or engineering challenges arising from the use of formal representation methods to formalise legal norms (especially traffic rules) - Methods and approaches for legal and ethical AI reasoning and compliance checking in autonomous driving applying formalized traffic rules and legal knowledge - Machine learning methods and approaches for knowledge extraction and learning and hybrid symbolic and sub-symbolic approaches for knowledge representation and reasoning with traffic rules We particularly invite submissions including experience reports on concrete attempts at implementing formalisations of legal norms within an automated system. Scope ----------------- The workshop aims to attract participants from various disciplines, particularly from Computer Science, Law and Philosophy, and to be of interest to anyone working on the application of knowledge representation methods to the field of law. Participation and Submission ---------------------------------- People interested in participating are invited to submit high quality, original short (5-9 pages) or long papers (10-14 pages) in the CEUR-WS.org style template CEURART (1-column variant), available at: http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-XXX/CEURART.zip and https://www.overleaf.com/read/gwhxnqcghhdt. Submitted papers must be original contributions written in English. Please submit your paper via EasyChair. Authors of the accepted papers will present at the workshop. The publication of the submited papers (e.g. as CEUR workshop-proceedings) is intended. Organizers ----------------- Georg Borges (Saarland University, Germany) Adrian Paschke (Freie Universität Berlin and Fraunhofer FOKUS, Germany) Important Dates ---------------------- Submission deadline: 17.4.2023 Notification of acceptance: 16.5.2023 Workshop: 23.6.2023 Workshop Website: https://www.rechtsinformatik.saarland/en/loretra-icail-23 |