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KES - IS 45 2023 : Intelligent Critical Infrastructures


When Sep 6, 2023 - Sep 8, 2023
Where Athens, Greece
Submission Deadline Apr 24, 2023
Notification Due May 8, 2023
Final Version Due May 29, 2023
Categories    critical infrastructures   artificial intelligence   digital twins   resilience strategies

Call For Papers

Critical infrastructures (CIs) are an inevitable part of the modern interconnected world. The main objective of critical infrastructure is to protect and preserve communities from risks that are essential for the economic and social well-being of citizens. Infrastructure resilience is essential to withstand and adapt to changing conditions and recover positively from accidental attacks and other factors, avoiding disruptions that can negatively impact security and continuity of services. Furthermore, while increasing digitisation and connectivity enables the technological transformation of critical infrastructures resulting in productivity and efficiency improvements, it also increases vulnerabilities for such infrastructures.
Recent advances in artificial intelligence (AI) can be harnessed to understand hazards, risks, vulnerabilities and resilience gaps and increase the protection of critical infrastructure. On the other hand, Digital Twins (DT) can enable real-time synchronisation and monitoring of complex systems through computer and virtual modelling, integrating observational and system simulation data, information and consumer behaviour for effective risk assessment and decision-making.
This Session will present both review and original research articles related to use and propose of intelligent technologies able to mitigate failures and increase resilience of critical infrastructure, including anomaly detection, resilience strategies, security.

We are interested in receiving submissions related to innovative research, technical use cases, and project demonstrators covering one or more of the following main topics (not limited to):
• Recent developments in AI algorithms for improving resilience in critical infrastructures failures
• AI for data clustering, prediction and classification of CIs failures
• Resilient AI-Based models for securing CIs
• Measures to improve data protection and privacy in CIs
• Digital twin for predictive maintenance and performance prediction
• Digital twin for process control
• Applications of digital twin
• Innovative methods, tools, and technologies for the monitoring, control, management, and security of CIs

The conference proceedings will be published in Elsevier's Procedia Computer Science open access journal, available in ScienceDirect and submitted to be indexed/abstracted in CPCi (ISI conferences and part of Web of Science), Engineering Index, and Scopus.
To submit a paper please follow the procedure described at the KES-2023 website

April 24, 2023: Deadline for abstract and paper submission
May 08, 2023: Notification of Acceptance
29 May 2023: Final paper publication files


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