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ICGIP 2023 : 2023 15th International Conference on Graphics and Image Processing (ICGIP 2023) | |||||||||||
Link: http://icgip.org | |||||||||||
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Call For Papers | |||||||||||
★The 15th ICGIP | ICGIP 2023 | Ei Compendex and Scopus★2023 15th International Conference on Graphics and Image Processing (ICGIP 2023)
★Full Nama: 2023 15th International Conference on Graphics and Image Processing (ICGIP 2023) ★Abbreviation: ICGIP 2023 ★Website: http://icgip.org ★Time: November 10-12, 2023 ★Place: Suzhou, China 2023 15th International Conference on Graphics and Image Processing (ICGIP 2023) in Suzhou, China during November 10-12, 2023. It's hosted by Soochow University; co-hosted by Nanjing University of Science and Technology, China; organized by school of Software, Soochow University, China; co-organized by Jiangsu Computer Society; Jiangsu Association of Artificial Intelligence. ★★ Publication The accepted papers will be included in ICGIP 2023 conference proceedings. ICGIP has credible publication index records: http://icgip.org/history.html ★★Call for papers★★ Topic about Graphics and Image Processing Track 1: Fundamentals and methods of image processing (Discrete Cosine Transforms, Discrete Hilbert Transforms, Fuzzy Logic Applications in Signal Processing, Image segmentation, Pattern recognition and analysis, Spectral Analysis, Wavelet Transforms) Track 2: Image acquisition and analysis (3-D and Surface Reconstruction, Detection and Estimation of Signal Parameters, Filter Design, Fast Fourier Transforms, Filter Design and Structures, FIR Filters, IIR Filters) Track 3: Computer vision and visualization (Super-resolution imaging, Video Signal Processing, Visualization, Motion and Video Analysis, Tracking and Surveillance, Physics-based Vision, Computer art and entertainment (including games)) Track 4: Computer graphics and image processing (3D imaging, Texture, Shape, and Color, Restoration, Super Resolution, Computational geometry, Computer animation, Fractal geometry and applications, Illumination and reflection techniques) Track 5: Image information security and management (Content-based Image retrieval, Watermarking, Image and Video Retrieval, Image storage and leaks, Image authentication, Image encryption technology, Image recognition and authentication) Track 6: Digital image processing and Application (Digital Signal Processing, Medical image processing, Radar Image Processing, Sonar Image Processing, Digital Multimedia Broadcasting, Image & Signal Processing Applications, Image generation, acquisition, and processing) For details about topics, please visit at http://icgip.org/cfp.html ★★Special Chapter★★ *Call for Special Sessions ICGIP 2023 solicits proposals for special sessions within the technical scope of the conference. For details: http://icgip.org/cfs.html ★Submission★ 1. Full paper (publication and presentation) For full paper, please upload it to the Electronic Submission System (.pdf): http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=icgip2023 2. Abstract (presentation) For abstract, please send it to icgip_conf@vip.163.com More detail about submission, please visit at: http://icgip.org/sub.html ★Conference Schedule★ November 10, 2023-----------------Sign-in for ICGIP 2023 (Conference Material Collection) November 11, 2023(Morning)------Opening Remarks & Keynote Speech November 11, 2023(Afternoon)----Author Presentation November 12, 2023---------------- Author Presentation ★About Suzhou★ Suzhou is located in southern Jiangsu Province in the center of the Yangtze Delta. Shanghai lies to the east, Zhejiang Province to the south, Wuxi City to the west and the Yangtze River to the north. The city is divided by the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal from north to south. Since 42% area of the city is covered by water, including a vast number of ponds and streams, it is praised as the 'Venice of the Orient'. Built in 514 BC, this is an ancient city with over 2,500 years of history and numerous points of interest. The unique characteristics of the past are still retained today. The double-chessboard layout of the city, with 'the streets and rivers going side by side while the water and land routes running in parallel', is preserved intact. ★★Contact Ms. Robin Luo (Conference Secretary) Email: icgip_conf@vip.163.com Telephone : +86-182-2760-9313 Official website: http://icgip.org/ |