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HSBDMMP 2023 : Humanities, Social and Behavioral Discoveries within Modern Media Production


When N/A
Where N/A
Submission Deadline Jun 21, 2023
Categories    humanities   social sciences   behavioral sciences   mass media

Call For Papers

Humanities, Social and Behavioral Discoveries within Modern Media Production

Editor: Osinor X. Kakhu, University of North Carolina - Greensboro

*Deadline for Abstracts: June 21, 2023

At New Media Results, we publish original articles, experiments, visualizations, and observations within the scope of humanities, social and behavioral sciences and its application and/or effects in new forms of communication or "new media".

The Journal's Spring/Summer, 2023 issue seeks to reflect upon, analyze, expand, and present substantial observations from the effects new media has on consumer behavior via audience survey responses, focus groups, and more. Information within this scholarly sector can be leveraged by institutions and corporations who find value in presenting a progressive and interactive digital footprint within their media content, impacting a wider and more diverse range of stakeholders.

We call on academics of all levels, producers within mass media, and any practitioners with relation to the industry and field of study to contribute to the scholarly advancements of the field of Humanities and Social Sciences.

Authors must submit a 500-word abstract and 50-word bio to our Editorial Team at in English by June 21, 2023. Key for us will be your thorough and concise presentation on today’s most relevant and innovative findings, concerning effective communication.

Final publication date is Spring/Summer, 2023.

For further information, please contact our Editorial Team, who will be more than happy to answer any questions, thoughts, concerns.

*Osinor Kakhu is currently the Deputy Director and Head of Media and Communications at the National Black Professional Athletes Foundation (NBPAF)

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