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Dis/Trust in Governance 2023 : Trust and Distrust in Governance: Exploring the Impact of Social and Political Dynamics


When Sep 28, 2023 - Sep 29, 2023
Where Siena, Italy
Submission Deadline Apr 7, 2023
Notification Due May 6, 2023
Categories    sociology   media studies   political science   psychology

Call For Papers

International Conference, organised by the EU-funded EnTrust project
September 28-29, 2023 – Siena, Italy
Abstract Submission Deadline: April 07, 2023

Trust in governance is considered a pivotal element for democracy. In light of multiple and interrelated crises of recent years an increase of distrust in governance came to the fore and became a highly debated issue, both within the public and the academic field. At the same time, however, scepticism and distrust themselves are productive elements within the democratic arena, as it is a key role of democratic citizens or social movements to critically scrutinise the actions and decisions of governmental actors. This indicates a complex interrelation between trust and distrust, the factors that are responsible for these interrelations, and the ways how trust and distrust need to be evaluated.

The multidisciplinary conference takes up the overarching topic of trust and distrust in democratic governments and institutions and aspires to explore it in all its various dimensions and aspects. Thus, we hope to gain further insights into different arenas of trust formation as well as into the forms, conditions and implications of trust and distrust in democratic governance.

Researchers are invited to submit abstracts for talks as of now. We are particularly interested in empirical-driven proposals using a quantitative, qualitative or mixed methods approach. To submit a paper proposal, we ask for title and abstract (300 words max.). All proposals should be submitted by April 07, 2023. Acceptance mails will be sent by May 06, 2023.

See the full cfp at the EnTrust website:

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