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9th IEEE iSES 2023 : 9th IEEE International Symposium on Smart Electronic Systems 18-20 DEC 2023 @ Ahmedabad, INDIA


When Dec 18, 2023 - Dec 20, 2023
Where Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India
Submission Deadline Sep 4, 2023
Notification Due Oct 15, 2023
Final Version Due Oct 30, 2023

Call For Papers

The primary objective of IEEE-iSES is to provide a platform for both hardware and software researchers to interact under one umbrella for further development of smart electronic systems. Symposium addresses key technologies and enabling technologies for Smart Systems as well as solutions for energy, agriculture, health, biomedical, industry, housing, sustainability, social cohesion, and mobility. The smart systems entail architectures, systems software, and algorithms as key technologies. Nonetheless, other technologies such as internet, data analytics, security, cognitive science join as enabling technologies. Smart systems adapt to changing conditions such as context, application and may possess own awareness and cater to the needs of efficient sensing, storage, software, and computing. Big data which are large, complex data sets, are now a part of the Internet world. Storing and processing needs of the enormous amount of structured and unstructured data are getting increasingly challenging. At the same time, Internet of Things (IoT) and cyber-physical systems (CPS) have been evolving with simultaneous development of hardware and software and span across everyday consumer electronics. The performance and efficiency of the various generations of computing and information processing systems are dependent upon advances in both hardware and software.

IEEE-iSES is a sponsored meeting of the Technical Committee on VLSI, IEEE-CS that endorses a league of successful meetings including ASAP, ISVLSI, and ARITH, are now presented as “Sister Conferences”.

► Nanoelectronic VLSI and Sensor Systems (NVS)
► Energy-Efficient, Reliable VLSI Systems (ERS)
► Hardware/Software for Internet of Things and Consumer Electronics (IoT)
► Hardware for Secure Information Processing (SIP)
► Hardware/Software for AI, Robotics, and Automation (AIR)
► Hardware/Software for Vehicular Intelligent Systems (VIS)
IEEE-iSES technical program will include contributed papers and contributions from invited speakers. IEEE-iSES 2023 will have pre-conference-tutorials, keynotes, plenary talks, tutorials, technical sessions, special sessions, expert panels, research demo session (RDS), and a student research forum (SRF).


Submission: September 04, 2023
Acceptance: October 15, 2023
Final Submission: September 30, 2023

IEEE-iSES proceedings will be published by IEEE-CS conference publications services (CPS). Authors should submit their original unpublished work of maximum 6 pages using IEEE-CS double-column conference format-template. Manuscripts in PDF format with author information (optional) should be submitted using the link: Selected papers from IEEE-iSES 2023 program will be invited for submission to special issues of peer-reviewed SCOPUS indexed journals (e.g., Springer Nature Computer Science SNCS journal) as has been done in the past edition.

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