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KI-Workshops 2023 : KI Call for Workshops and Tutorials


When Sep 26, 2023 - Sep 26, 2023
Where Berlin
Submission Deadline Mar 31, 2023
Notification Due Apr 6, 2023
Categories    artificial intelligence   AI   machine learning

Call For Papers

Call for Workshops and Tutorials

KI2023 takes place in Berlin (Germany) at the September 26-29, 2023, with workshops/tutorials taking place on September 26. KI2023 is the 46th edition of the German conference on Artificial Intelligence (abbreviated KI for “Künstliche Intelligenz”) organized in cooperation with the Fachbereich Künstliche Intelligenz der Gesellschaft für Informatik (GI-SIG AI). KI is one of the major European AI conferences and traditionally brings together academic and industrial researchers from all areas of AI, providing an ideal place for exchanging news and research results on theory and applications. The technical program of KI2023 comprises paper presentations as well as tutorials and a workshop.

Submission of Proposals
Proposals of workshops/tutorials should be PDF documents of up to three pages and written in English and handed in until March 31, 2023.
Submissions for Workshop or Tutorial proposals should be handed in directly as pdf at with the option “KI 2023 Workshops/Tutorials“. Proposals should provide the following information:
•Title (and possibly acronym) of the event
•Description of its topic and goal. This description should discuss the relevance of the suggested topic and its interest to the general AI community and the KI2023 audience.
•Names and affiliations (including e-mail and web address) of the organizer(s). Please indicate the primary contact person for KI2023.
•A description of the organizer’s background w.r.t. the event’s topic. In case of tutorial proposals, please also provide previous teaching/tutorial experience and/or own papers published in the field covered by the tutorial.
•A notice on the expected length of the event (e.g. half-day or full-day, or amount of 60 to 90-min blocks) and a preliminary agenda.
•For tutorials only: Please also provide a description of the targeted audience and the expected prerequisite knowledge.
•For workshops only: Please also provide a brief description of the workshop format regarding the composition of events such as paper presentation, invited talks, panels, demonstrations, and/or general discussion. Furthermore, please give the expected number of participants, your plans for attracting enough participants for the workshop, and also a tentative list of PC members.

Workshop/Tutorial organizers will be responsible for:
•Producing a call for abstracts/papers/demos/etc. (if applicable, depending on your workshop format). Organizers are responsible for additional publicity such as distributing the call to relevant newsgroups and mailing lists, and especially to potential audiences from outside the core KI conference community.
•Set-up and maintaining an event web page (to be online no later than May 14, 2023) with updated information and possibly supplemental material about the tutorial/workshop.  For tutorials, this includes information about reading material, a short bio of the lecturer(s), and, if possible, also links to the lecture slides.
•Provide a short description of the workshop program for the KI journal (to be sent by email June 10, 2023, to the Workshop and Tutorial Chair of KI2023, see below).
•For workshops with planned proceedings: The workshop organizers coordinate the collection, production, and distribution of the selected papers.
The KI2023 conference organizers will provide rooms for the workshops and the tutorials as well as handle topics regarding the local organization. An EasyChair instance will be provided to handle the Workshops submissions.

Important Dates:
Submission Deadline: 31.03.2023
Notification of Acceptance: 06.04.2023

All questions about submissions should be emailed to Prof. Dr. Johannes Fähndrich (

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