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IDMITEPC 2023 : Infectious Disease Modeling In the Era of Post COVID-19


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Submission Deadline Mar 31, 2023
Categories    epidemic modeling   health economics   mathematical models   computational techniques

Call For Papers

Infectious Disease Modeling In the Era of Post COVID-19

Dr. Krishna Kiran Vamsi Dasu, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning, Andhra Pradesh, India.

Dr. Nitu Kumari, School of Basic Sciences, IIT Mandi, Kamand, India.
Dr. Ritesh Kumar Dubey, Department of Mathematics, SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Kattankulathur, Chennai, India
Dr. Pankaj Kumar Tiwari, Department of Basic Science and Humanities, Indian Institute of Information Technology, Bhagalpur, India.

With the advent of the novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) in 2019, the lives of people worldwide will not be the same again. Words that have stayed in dictionaries for a long time, like quarantine, variants, R-value, and lockdown, have become common words among people across the globe. With the internet that unleashed its true potential, where work-from-home, distant-education, and online shopping became the new normal, the world will never be the same again. With the world witnessing multiple vaccines being made at a record time in human history, the world will never be the same again in many dimensions, with the statements made by leaders and scientists worldwide that we must live with coronavirus. One thing that will never be the same again is how we study the transmission dynamics of diseases in the human population. This includes identifying risk factors for a fast-changing disease landscape, capturing identified risk factors as mechanisms in mathematical models, choosing appropriate modeling techniques, and shifting the paradigm in these aspects to make policy decisions. With these themes, a special issue entitled "Infectious Disease Modeling in the Era of Post COVID-19" will be published in Computational and Mathematical Biophysics (CMB). This special issue will also focus on the recent development of computational and data science modeling techniques concerning the COVID-19 pandemic.

Indexed in SCOPUS and MathSciNet, CMB ( is the formal continuation of Molecular Based Mathematical Biology, published by De Gruyter. The mission of CMB is to publish the highest quality research works that promote the development of theoretical formulations, mathematical models, numerical algorithms, and computational techniques for biosciences and biophysics.

Original research papers, high-quality review articles, and contributions are welcome from the researchers in the field on the theme of the special issue or other topics closer to it.

Potential topics include, but are not limited to:

• Novel epidemic modeling and analysis
• Advances in modeling of in-host infection dynamics and immunology
• Health economics and evaluation of interventions
• Challenges associated with projections and preparedness
• Transformations in pedagogical techniques in modeling
• Trends in infectious diseases dynamics related professional opportunities

Before submitting the manuscript, authors should carefully read the author guidelines, located at All the manuscripts are subject to the standard peer review process before publication. Authors are encouraged to pay an Article Processing Charge (APC) after the acceptance of their manuscript. However, the APC is not mandatory for open-access papers. For this special issue, we are offering full waivers or discounts for authors with limited access to funds. Prospective authors can submit their manuscripts online at by selecting the Article Type as this special issue.

Potential manuscript submission due date: 31/03/2023
Anticipated publication date of the special issue: 30/06/2023

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