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IEEE CLOUD 2023 : IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing | |||||||||||
Link: https://conferences.computer.org/cloud/2023/ | |||||||||||
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Call For Papers | |||||||||||
PDF Call for Papers IEEE CLOUD is the flagship conference focusing on innovative cloud computing across all "as a service" categories (XaaS). This includes modeling, developing, publishing, monitoring, managing, delivering, and scaling XaaS offerings from the core to the edge. The conference is a prime international forum for researchers, academics, businesses, industry, and standard bodies to exchange the latest fundamental advances in the state of the art and practice of cloud computing, identify emerging research topics, and define the future of cloud computing. IEEE CLOUD 2023 invites original papers addressing all aspects of cloud computing infrastructure, applications, and business innovations. Topics of interest include but are not limited to the following: Cloud & AI Use of AI to Improve Cloud Services & Operations Use of Cloud to Improve AI Research and Deployment Predictive Analysis and Federated Learning Anomaly Detection and Automation for Remediation & Mitigation Observability, Transparency and Reproducibility Infrastructure Cloud Computing Systems and Architectures Edge Computing Systems and Architectures Cloud Storage and Data Architectures Cloud-centric Network Architectures (SDN, NFV, etc) Computing Continuum and Edge-Cloud-HPC federation Applications Large Scale Cloud Applications Edge Applications Microservice-based, Containerized, & Serverless Applications Digital Twins & Applications across Edge-Cloud-HPC Continuum Cloud Management and Operations Hybrid-cloud Integration and Multi-cloud Environments Distributed and Parallel Query Processing Resource, Energy, Data Management Cloud Metering and Monitoring Containers, Serverless Computing Cloud Service Adaptation and Automation Cloud Federation, Service Composition Sustainable Cloud Computing Cloud Security Confidential Cloud Computing and Trusted Cloud Environments Access Control, Authorization, Authentication Assurance, Audit, Certification, Compliance Fault Tolerance, High Availability, Reliability Privacy-aware Data Management Cloud Applications of Distributed Ledger Technologies Cloud Economics Cloud Strategy for Enterprise Business Transformation Cloud Service Level Agreement (SLAs) Economics and Business Models for XaaS Cloud Quality Management Cloud ROI Analysis, Cost and Pricing Cloud as a Service Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) Platform as a Service (PaaS) Function as a Service (FaaS) Software as a Service (SaaS) Network / Storage as a Service MANUSCRIPT GUIDELINES AND SUBMISSION INFORMATION Please visit the Information for Authors page on the Congress website for manuscript guidelines. PAPER SUBMISSION - EASYCHAIR IMPORTANT DATES (ANYWHERE ON EARTH) December 1, 2022: EasyChair opens for draft submissions UPDATED: March 5, 2023: EasyChair closes for submissions (e.g., HARD submission deadline) UPDATED: April 23, 2023: Acceptance notification July 2-8, 2023: SERVICES Congress in Chicago ABOUT IEEE IEEE is the world’s largest professional association advancing innovation and technological excellence for the benefit of humanity. IEEE and its members inspire a global community to innovate for a better tomorrow through its highly cited publications, conferences, technology standards, and professional and educational activities. IEEE is the trusted “voice” for engineering, computing and technology information around the globe. ABOUT IEEE COMPUTER SOCIETY With nearly 85,000 members, the IEEE Computer Society (CS) is the world’s leading organization of computing professionals. Founded in 1946, and the largest of the 38 societies of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), the CS is dedicated to advancing the theory and application of computer and information-processing technology. ABOUT THE TECHNICAL COMMITTEE ON SERVICES COMPUTING Founded in 2003, IEEE Computer Society’s Technical Community on Services Computing (TCSVC) is a multidisciplinary group whose purpose is to advance and coordinate work in the field of Services Computing carried out throughout the IEEE in scientific, engineering, standard, literary and educational areas. IEEE TCSVC membership details are available at http://tab.computer.org/tcsvc/ |