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CBMI 2023 : 20th International Conference on Content-based Multimedia Indexing


Conference Series : Content-Based Multimedia Indexing
When Sep 20, 2023 - Sep 22, 2023
Where Orleans, France
Submission Deadline Apr 24, 2023
Notification Due Jun 1, 2023
Final Version Due Jun 15, 2023
Categories    multimedia analysis   multimedia retrieval   multimedia user experience   multimodal indexing

Call For Papers

After successful editions since 1999 in France, Italy, UK, Spain, Ireland, Austria… the 20th International Conference on Content-based Multimedia Indexing (CBMI 2023) will be held in Orleans, France, on September 20-22, 2023.

Authors are encouraged to submit previously unpublished research papers in the broad field of content-based multimedia indexing and applications. We wish to highlight significant contributions addressing the main problem of search and retrieval. This call also includes artificial intelligence inmultimedia analysis, user interaction, social media indexing and retrieval. In addition, special sessions on specific technical aspects or application domains are planned, such as Multimedia for Healthcare, Explainability of AI tools in Multimedia, Physical models in Multimedia mining…

The CBMI proceedings are traditionally indexed and distributed by ACM DL. Best papers will be invited to submit extended versions of their contributions to a special issue of a leading journal in the field.

Topics of interest to the CBMI community include, but are not limited to, the following:

Content analysis and indexing
Audio and visual and multimedia content mining
Multimodal and cross-modal indexing
New AI /Deep Learning approaches for content understanding
Social media analysis
Metadata generation, coding and transformation
Activity recognition and event-based multimedia indexing Search, retrieval and recommendation
Multimedia information retrieval (image, audio, video, text)
Mobile media retrieval
Event-based media retrieval
Multimedia retrieval for multimodal analytics and visualization
Multimedia recommendation
Multimedia verification (e.g., multimodal fact checking, deep fake analysis)
Large scale multimedia database management
Summarization, browsing and organization of multimedia content
Evaluation and benchmarking of multimedia retrieval systems
Multimedia user experience

User interaction and relevance feedback
Multimedia interfaces, presentation and visualization tools
Affective adaptation, personalization
Virtual, augmented and mixed reality interfaces for multimedia search
Applications of multimedia indexing and retrieval, e.g., cultural heritage, healthcare and medicine, lifelogs, imagery for earth observation and astrophysics, augmented and mixed reality, video surveillance, forensics, security, sustainable environments

Related Resources

MMEDIA 2025   The Seventeenth International Conference on Advances in Multimedia
CBMI 2024   Content-Based Multimedia Indexing
AIGC 2024   The 2nd International Conference on AI-generated Content
SPIE-Ei/Scopus-DMNLP 2025   2025 2nd International Conference on Data Mining and Natural Language Processing (DMNLP 2025)-EI Compendex&Scopus
ICSM 2025   International Conference on SMART MULTIMEDIA
ICMIP 2025   ACM--2025 10th International Conference on Multimedia and Image Processing (ICMIP 2025)
ICEMT 2025   2025 The 9th International Conference on Education and Multimedia Technology (ICEMT 2025)
ICEMT--EI 2025   2025 The 9th International Conference on Education and Multimedia Technology (ICEMT 2025)
SmartMultimedia 2025   International Conference on SMART MULTIMEDIA
IMPROVE 2025   5th International Conference on Image Processing and Vision Engineering