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HEDA 2023 : 3rd International Health Data Workshop


When Jul 21, 2023 - Jul 21, 2023
Where Leicester, United Kingdom
Abstract Registration Due May 14, 2023
Submission Deadline May 21, 2023
Notification Due Jun 12, 2023
Final Version Due Jun 26, 2023
Categories    health data modelling   health process description   software engineering   data analysis

Call For Papers


Call for Papers
HEDA 2023: 3rd International Health Data Workshop
Co-located with STAF 2023

Leicester, UK, 21st July 2023


== Objectives and Scope ==

Health data may be broadly conceived as data pertaining to the health of an individual or population. As such it includes not only findings documented by physicians and other clinical staff, but also a vast array of other data such as: information gathered by schools regarding the prevalence of infectious diseases; fitness, dietary and other information on smart devices, and so on. More and more this data is in electronic form and increasingly there are public archives that contain vast amounts of it. The potential for learning from this data is tremendous. The need to improve the health services delivery and lower costs is critical across the globe. However, due to the semantic heterogeneity and the distributed storage of health data, we still do not have a unified approach and use divide-and-conquer approaches instead.

HEDA aims to bring together academics, practitioners and other interested attendees for presentations and discussions in the domain of health with special focus on health data modelling, health process description and analytics. Our goal is to develop the necessary formalisms, techniques and tools to extract information from health data as broadly conceived in the above motivation.

== Important Dates ==

Abstract submission: 14th May 2023 (AoE) (extended)
Paper submission: 21st May 2023 (AoE) (extended)
Notification: 12th June 2023 (AoE)
Camera-ready: 26th June 2023 (AoE)
Workshop: 21st July 2023 (AoE)

== Topics of Interest ==

HEDA 2023 invites paper submission, including position and
work-in-progress papers, about research covering all aspects of health
data modelling, interoperability and analytics.

Relevant topics for the workshop (but not limited
to) are the following:

- Health data models and meta-models
- Widespread usage of health data
- Concurrency in health data systems
- Distributed health data processes
- Anonymisation and privacy of health data
- Health data integrity and quality
- Open health data platforms
- Services for data retrieval, data exchange, data analysis (Data analytics as a service)
- eHealth system architecture
- Syntactic interoperability
- Semantic interoperability
- Device-to-device data communication
- Sentiment analysis from e.g., social media, etc.
- Data analysis from wearable devices
- Data alignment
- Software engineering for healthcare
- Construction of knowledge graphs for healthcare
- Process discovery through health data
- Managing uncertainty in health data
- Reasoning over imprecise or incomplete health data
- Temporal aspects of health data
- IoT-based welfare technologies

== Submission Guidelines ==

The following paper categories are welcome:

(1) Regular papers: 14 pages
(2) Short papers: 6 pages
(3) Journal-first papers: 1 page

All page limits exclude the references.

*Regular and short papers*

Regular and short papers submitted in categories (1) and (2) must be original, unpublished, not have been previously published or being under review elsewhere. Papers in these two categories will undergo a thorough review process, and will be peer reviewed by at least three members of the PC. Accepted papers in categories (1) and (2) will be published in the joint volume of proceedings for the STAF 2023 satellite and co-located events published with CEUR-WS.

*Journal-first papers*

The purpose of journal-first papers is to promote motivation for research areas including health data modelling, health process description and analytics, to provide significant insight into future research directions of health data, to encourage lively discussion among workshop attendees, and to enrich the workshop’s technical program.

The criteria of a journal-first paper are defined as follows: (i) the journal article that the journal-first paper is based on should be original research, and not merely be an extension of any previously published work. An extension of a full conference or workshop paper would not be considered as a journal-first paper; (ii) the journal-first paper submission has not been presented at, and is not under consideration for, journal-first tracks of other conferences or workshops.

The 1-page journal-first paper submission should provide a concise summary of the journal paper that it is based on, and a justification of how the paper fits the scope of the workshop. The paper must explicitly include full bibliographic details (including a DOI) of the journal publication it is based on.

The papers will be evaluated based on the criteria above. Only a limited number of the papers will be invited to present at the workshop. The paper selection will be based on

- the relevance to the scope of the HEDA workshop,
- the fit to the technical program, offering a balance across the workshop topics, and
- the possibility to increase opportunities for authors to attend HEDA (and other STAF co-located events).

All submissions must be written in English, using the 1-column CEUR style format ( Please follow CEURART style formatting guidelines ( The submission must be made through EasyChair with the link: .

If you have questions, please do not hesitate to contact the PC chairs by email (

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