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Totalitarianism Archives - 2023 : CFP 2023 Arhivele Totalitarismului/Totalitarianism Archives


When N/A
Where N/A
Submission Deadline Apr 15, 2023
Categories    history   european history   totalitarianism   xxth century

Call For Papers


Arhivele Totalitarismului/Totalitarianism Archives is a peer-reviewed academic journal published by the National Institute for the Study of Totalitarianism of the Romanian Academy, indexed in CEEOL, EBSCO, and Index Copernicus databases.
Arhivele Totalitarismului/Totalitarianism Archives is classified as a B journal by CNCS.
We are currently calling for papers for volumes no. 1-2, and 3-4 to be published in 2023.
Senior scholars, researchers, PhD students and postdoctoral students are strongly encouraged to submit papers on one of the following topics:

• 1933 – Adolf Hitler's rise to power and Nazism in Germany and Europe. New perspectives 90 years after.
• 1933 – The Great Depression, Romanian oil and railway workers’ strikes’ and the social and political impact
• Iuliu Maniu – a key symbol of the Romanian interwar political elite
• 1953 – the death of Stalin and new evolutions in the Soviet Union, Soviet bloc and the decrease in tension of East-West relations.
• 1953 – World Festival of Youth in Bucharest; new meanings in post-Stalinist context.
• European right-wing: Nazism; Italian fascism; Authoritarian regimes.
• The Comintern and Communist Parties in Europe.
• Stalin's Great Terror.
• International relations: Western Communist Parties and the Communist Party of the Soviet Union.
• Political, economic, social, and cultural evolutions in the Soviet bloc after World War II.
• East-West relations during the Cold War.
• Opposition to totalitarianism: From resistance to dissent (types of opposition, ways of expressing alternative views: samizdat/tamizdat/magnitizdat, parallel cultures).
• Human rights and the Communist regimes in East-Central Europe and the Soviet Union.
• Ideology, propaganda, political parties and organizations: The totalitarian experience in the 20th century.

The papers may be submitted in ROMANIAN, ENGLISH, FRENCH.

The contributors are asked to send the FINAL DRAFTS and a short narrative cv until April 15, 2023, at the following address:

We are kindly asking the authors to respect the following length and editing suggestions:

Studies: maximum 40 000 characters, no spaces/ approximate 20 standard pages. The title of the submitted article should be descriptive, and concise and must indicate the chronological limits. The studies must contain subtitles, an introduction presenting the stage of knowledge of the subject, the novelty of the research, the analysis of the topic, and a chapter of conclusions.
Documents: maximum 40 000 characters, no spaces/ approximate 20 standard pages. The texts published under this chapter must consist of the following elements: 2-4 pages of introduction, and the documents must be accompanied by titles, the archival source and illustrations.
Biographies: maximum 10 000 characters, no spaces/ approximates 5 standard pages. Biographies do not have footnotes, but the authors are asked to attach a selective bibliography of the sources at the end of the text. "Totalitarianism Archives" encourages the authors to submit a photo of the person whose biography is being submitted along with the biography.
Book Reviews: maximum 10 000 characters, no spaces/ approximate 5 standard pages.
Formatting: 12, Times New Roman, 1,5 spacing.

For editing guidelines, please consult:

The submitted papers are peer-reviewed. The authors will be notified regarding the decision of publication in due time.

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