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Int-XAI 2023 : Interactive Explanations of Neural Networks and Artificial Intelligence


When Jun 18, 2023 - Jun 23, 2023
Where Gold Coast, Australia
Submission Deadline Apr 16, 2023
Notification Due May 25, 2023
Final Version Due Jun 16, 2023

Call For Papers


The Int-XAI 2023 Workshop is part of the IJCNN’s workshop series (i.e. International Joint Conference on Neural Networks,, 18-23 Jun) and will take place this year in Gold Coast, Australia.

The workshop aims to showcase on-going research involving interactive interfaces that allow users to ask questions and explore the reasoning behind black box systems. As such this workshop is relevant not only to researchers in neural nets and deep learning but also to those working in interactive systems, personalisation, conversational and dialogue systems, multi-dimensional visualisation, augmented and virtual reality and cognitive theories of explanation.

The Organisation Committee would like to invite submissions of novel theoretical and applied research targeting the explainability of AI and ML systems.

Submissions relevant to all areas of interactive explainable AI are welcome, including (but not limited to):

- Interactive capture of explanation needs and generation of explanations
- Role of conversational AI for interactive explanations
- Multi-modal and interactive explanations
- Visualisation of interactive explanations
- Virtual, augmented and mixed reality explanations
- Simulation for explanation
- Explanations as a planning task
- Evolving explanations
- Explanation strategies and multi-stage explanations


Paper submissions should be formatted according to Springer instructions (see You have the following submission options:

- Short paper: 5-7 pages to describe preliminary work, present an overview of existing work or to be accompanied by a demonstration.

- Position paper: 2-4 pages to present an idea, discuss challenges or identify the landscape in this area of research.

Workshop submissions will be subject to review by at least two reviewers who will be members of the Programme Committee.


Accepted papers will be considered for publication through CEUR. CEUR is a free open-access publications service operated under RWTH Aachen University. For more information, see:

We are also investigating the possibility of submission of selected papers from the proceedings of the workshop to a special issue of a journal.

Related Resources

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NCTA 2025   17th International Conference on Neural Computation Theory and Applications
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