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ALTARS 2023 : 2nd Workshop on Augmented Intelligence for Technology-Assisted Review Systems | |||||||||||||||
Link: http://altars2023.dei.unipd.it | |||||||||||||||
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Call For Papers | |||||||||||||||
[APOLOGIES FOR MULTIPLE POSTINGS] ================================================================== FINAL CALL FOR PAPERS ALTARS 2023 @ ECIR 2023 2nd Workshop on Augmented Intelligence for Technology-Assisted Review Systems (ALTARS) 2023 Evaluation Metrics and Protocols for eDiscovery and Systematic Review Systems Dublin, Ireland - 2nd April 2023 Venue: held as part of the 45th European Conference on Information Retrieval (ECIR 2023) Website: http://altars2023.dei.unipd.it Paper Submission (extended) deadline February 6 2023 ================================================================== Augmented Intelligence (AL) is “a subsection of AI machine learning developed to enhance human intelligence rather than operate independently of or outright replace it. It is designed to do so by improving human decision-making and, by extension, actions taken in response to improved decisions.” In this sense, users are supported, not replaced, in the decision-making process by the filtering capabilities of the Augmented Intelligence solutions, but the final decision will always be taken by the users who are still accountable for their actions. In this field, Technology-assisted review systems (TARS) use a kind of human-in-the-loop approach where classification and/or ranking algorithms are continuously trained according to the relevance feedback from expert reviewers, until a substantial number of the relevant documents are identified. This approach has been shown to be more effective and more efficient than traditional e-discovery and systematic review practices, which typically consists of a mix of keyword search and manual review of the search results. Given these premises, ALTARS will focus on High-recall Information Retrieval (IR) systems which tackle challenging tasks that require the finding of (nearly) all the relevant documents in a collection. Electronic discovery (eDiscovery) and systematic review systems are probably the most important examples of such systems where the search for relevant information with limited resources, such as time and money, is necessary. #### CALL FOR PAPERS #### In this workshop, we aim to fathom the effectiveness of these systems which is a research challenge itself. In fact, despite the number of evaluation measures at our disposal to assess the effectiveness of a "traditional" retrieval approach, there are additional dimensions of evaluation for TAR systems. For example, it is true that an effective high-recall system should be able to find the majority of relevant documents using the least number of assessments. However, this type of evaluation discards the resources used to achieve this goal, such as the total time spent on those assessments, or the amount of money spent for the experts judging the documents. The topics include, but are not restricted to: - Novel evaluation approaches and measures for Systematic reviews; - Reproducibility of experiments with test collections; - Design and evaluation of interactive high-recall retrieval systems; - Study of evaluation measures; - User studies in high-recall retrieval systems; - Novel evaluation protocols for continuous Active Learning; - Evaluation of sampling bias. #### IMPORTANT DATES #### Abstract Submission Deadline: January 23, 2023 Paper Submission Deadline: January 30, 2023 Paper Notifications: February 20, 2023 Workshop day: April 2, 2023 #### SUBMISSION FORMAT #### Research papers, describing original ideas on the listed topics and on other fundamental aspects of Technology-Assisted Reviews methodologies and technologies, are solicited. Moreover, short papers on early research results, new results on previously published works, and extended abstract on previously published works are also welcome. - Research papers presenting original works should be in the 9 - 10 pages range - Short papers should be in the 6 - 7 pages range - Posters should be 3 - 4 pages long - Extended abstracts should be 2 pages long For all the submission types, the references are included in the page limit. Papers must be in the CEUR-ART single column style. Templates: Latex template: https://www.overleaf.com/project/5e76702c4acae70001d3bc87 MS Word template: http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-XXX/CEURART.zip The accepted papers will be published in the ALTARS 2023 Proceedings. The Proceedings will be published by CEUR-WS, which is gold open access and indexed by SCOPUS and DBLP. SUBMISSION MODE Authors can submit their papers electronically via our submission page through Easychair https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=altars2023 General Chairs Giorgio Maria Di Nunzio - University of Padua, Italy Evangelos Kanoulas - University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands Prasenjit Majumder - DAIICT, Gandhinagar and TCG CREST, Kolkata, India Program Committee Amanda Jones , Lighthouse (USA) Dave Lewis , Redgrave Data (USA) Parth Mehta , Parmonic (USA) Doug Oard , University of Maryland (USA) Fabrizio Sebastiani , CNR-ISTI (Italy) Rene Spijker , Cochrane (The Netherlands) Mark Stevenson , University of Sheffield (UK) Eugene Yang , Johns Hopkins University (USA) |